By Rashid Milanzi

The Managing Director for ZESCO Limited has been on the spotlight for months on end with many wanting his head on the chopping board.

The current loadshedding impasse is what has blinded many not to pay attention to the positive strides the man has scored at ZESCO. As the English put it, “People remember the storm, not the calm” to imply that the press and the public only pay attention to the bad things and forget all the good elements one can do.

Chopping Mapani’s head at ZESCO would literally spell disaster, especially at this point, and this article is one to highlight the positive strides he has managed to achieve in only two years.

To start with, may your attention be drawn to how ZESCO used to operate before UPND got into office. There was so much political interference that saw most of the money made by ZESCO go to finance political campaigns and to finance luxurious lifestyles. ZESCO was made to borrow money which was not spent on investments but PEPs. Vehicles were abused with impunity thereby blowing the fuel cost out the roof. Ghost workers and carders on payroll, with the recent conviction of PF carder Muchemwa (America 2) as a practical example, plus many other money syphoning ventures too many to mention here.

Today ZESCO operates like a real Corporate entity though much still needs to be worked on especially changing the mindsets of men and women within the system who benefited from the rot in the past.

Upon entering office, Mapani put a stop to Personal-to-Holder vehicles for Directors and everyone else including himself. All vehicles are to be packed by 17hrs unless it’s an Operations vehicle. Directors are to come with their private vehicles to work, use the Corporate vehicle during working hours and pack it immediately after work. This act alone has saved ZESCO millions of Kwacha that used to be spent on Fuel.

ZESCO used to pay thousands of dollars for it’s Payroll system and it’s Document Management system to companies domiciled in South Africa and India respectively. It is believed that kick-backs were paid for the continued running of these contracts. However, Mapani established a team of young IT specialists, creating a department called Innovation Systems. This department created the first ever home-grown payroll system as well as the document management system thereby saving ZESCO millions of Kwacha.

The Innovation Systems department went on to create many online platforms for the management of fuel, subsistence allowances, Human resources platforms, etc., all of which where manual in nature and prone to manipulations. This has allowed for more savings, a more sustainable and green ZESCO.

Mapani ordered the closure of all Customer care outlets that were stationed at Shopping Malls Countrywide as they were gobbling huge amounts of money in rentals. His argument was that people have online platforms and the ZESCO offices in each district where they could go to for assistance. He saved Millions out of this.

These are the millions you see today that has allowed ZESCO to almost clear the US$1.2billion foreign debt left behind by PF plus many other local debts owed to companies like Maamba Collieries.

…to mention but a few credits.

Despite all this, there remains a group of people who are unhappy with Mapani because they cannot enjoy their loot anymore, and these are the cartels working tirelessly to have him removed from the top seat at ZESCO. These cartels are both UPND and PF sympathisers and want the corruption that was there before to continue today.

Mapani has acquired many enemies today because of his fight against corruption in the ZESCO system, corruption that is even sought after from some of his superiors alike.

Mapani needs Government support to fight corruption and continue transforming ZESCO into a modern functional Corporation.


  1. This is the Tribalist who has created a family tree at Zesco..A useless MD who should have been fired a long time ago. But he is Sacred..the untouchables.. Hakainde’s nephews.. Obviously the author of the article is a proxy…a useless paid agent.

    • Hallucinating Hypocrite uli M*zi ya PF iwe. Just invest in knowledge PF idiot iwe so that you become ZESCO MD bwana. Failure to that you remain with your perpetual poverty PF Sinner iwe.

  2. Very useless article by a Tonga tribalist! Just wait for the worst to come for you tribalists! You will regret ever being in government with your tribalism. God is great and will soon answer our prayers for we have suffered too much under this tribal government of tribalists.

    • A little wisdom for a man with a head carrying the right contents can not say what you, Mandanda, (Eggs) have put pen to paper.
      You must be one of those bitter former beneficiaries of handouts for violence and insults.
      You do not appreciate that CDF has a component that is sponsoring Zambians from all 72 tribes to learn life long skills to better their lives instead of giving borrowed funds to cadres to fan violence and spread HIV to innocent young girls in boarding houses across the country.
      The social cash transfer for the vulnerable is reaching the intended population instead of being pocketed by heartless individuals as was in the previous government.
      People with egg jelly for a brain will be dead to these positive strides because they are bitter and when they say HH is selfish, they mean that he is sealing all the loopholes the indecent Zambians used to siphon funds for social and economic development.

  3. A little folly outweighs ALL righteousness, the Bible says.
    Yes, Mapani may have scored big achievements. However, reports of nepotism and tribalism will ALWAYS overshadow his CV!
    You must be deliberate about the need to be ethical in life to protect your name!
    A good name is better than ALL the riches of this world!
    Better a little with peace of mind than plenty with sleepless nights!

  4. But his biggest challenge is to reduce load shedding.He should have monitored the water
    Levels earlier so we could not be in this twenty
    Hours load shedding.lastly if zesco is doing
    Better then stop exports and import to reduce
    Hours of load shedding.

  5. Iwe Bob Tondolo watambila banoko ubuseneme ichintu masako mumatanta.You think upnd is there forever.Elyo twala mifumyapo,ukutampa na tribalism ilemonekaka nokumoneka .You need to go in 2026 .If you want you will go and work in your bosses toilet iya bunamazai in 2026


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