Home Politics PF WHEN DID ZESCO AWARD THESE TENDERS?- Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba




Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba wrote;

It is exciting to see the power utility, ZESCO respond to the electricity crisis.

ZESCO has awarded tenders for the supply and installation of industrial generator sets to be set up in trading markets starting with Soweto, Chilenje and Nyumba Yanga markets.

This will save micro and small businesses that have been severely affected by the power crisis.

ZESCO has since announced that the sets have began arriving in the country and will be installed at public places such as hospitals and markets.

But when did ZESCO award these tenders for the procurement of these generator sets?

We saw how 17 Ministers of Health and their technical staff in Africa were arrested during the COVID-19 pandemic crisis as they used the emergency to siphon public resources.

Recently we have seen how the Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit (DMMU) is not being transparent with the utilization of funds donated for the disaster.

For example, DMMU awarded a company, Newgrowco (Z) Ltd, a tender to import and supply 50,000 metric tonnes of maize at a whopping cost of $22million without a public or competitive tender process.

We must never allow the looting of public resources under the guise of urgent or emergency response expenditure.

There are many local energy companies that could have participated in the tender to import and supply these gensets.

Further, we have been asking ZESCO; “Where are the industrial off-grid gensets you decommissioned in places like Chavuma, Chama, Lundazi, Luangwa, Kabompo, Lukulu, Mwinilunga, Zambezi districts”?

Below is the story;


ZESCO Limited has today, Saturday, 31 August 2024 started installing diesel powered generators in Soweto Market, Nyumba Yanga and Chilenje Market as part of short term measure to the current energy crisis and to ensure that there is continuous power supply to essential services

On Friday, 30 August 2024, Ministry of Energy Permanent Secretary, Peter Mumba announced the arrival of Nine(9) out of Twenty-Three Diesel powered generators intended to be part of the short-term mitigating measures government is developing and implementing to respond to the energy crisis.

“Citizens may wish to note that the first consignment of nine (9) out of twenty-three (23) diesel generators procured have now arrived in the country while the remaining fourteen (14) are expected to arrive in the country in the coming week,” Mr Mumba said. 

The Permanent Secretary added: “The nine (9) diesel generators that have been received so far, will be installed this week beginning with two (2) at Chilenje and Nyumba Yanga markets and another two (2) to be installed at Soweto Market. Therefore, the installation of all 23 diesel generators will be completed by 30th September 2024.”

He disclosed this at the National Energy Brief held yesterday at the Energy Regulation Board Head Office in Lusaka.


  1. Kudos to you Mr. Mwamba for your vigilance. One wishes you were this vigilant and active in informing the nation during the PF free-for-all looting of the country’s resources. Apparently the meticulous and methodical mode of doing things has to date failed to stump out your well planted informers. Dwell only on truth. No lies, propaganda and tribal bigotry, please.

    • Funny you are busy pleasing yourselves yet things are happening. Then you call yourself sharp shooter at no target! I feel sorry for you ba PF. Sorry for the argon you are going through. Unfortunately HH is driving us as long as you are in Zambia. Go to The UK and you’re asked…Who is your President bin your country? You can fail to answer!
      Come 2025 methodically power issue will be done, ZNS new farm off load Maize grain on for unga, TAZAMA pipeline getting to commissioning stage….Bally te munenu. How I wished he was in power 2016! Currently he is in China visiting the biggest Solar Plant in the world. He is coming with investors. 2026 you will have nothing to campaign on…argue ni zako.

      • Stop being a senseless sycophant. Read what I posted with a sober mind and you will get the gist of my message. There is nowhere I have said anything against HH or UPND. So what is the basis of classifying me as PF. Leka ukusamwa muZambezi iwe!

  2. Mr. Mwamba dont you know where Mr. Mumba’s office is?
    You always seem to want to speculate publicly without fully asking these questions.
    You see where the sedious charge comes from?
    As PF you have MPs in Parliament. Why cant the MPs raise these issues and get the appropriate response? To you, its always “dark cloud of suspision. In that you rush here and make or rather suggest ill motive before you have even bothered to ask.
    That is not journalism. Professional journalist will get both side of the story. They will “dig” before making suggestions.
    Manje imwe bwana nchito is always, thinking someone somewhere “adyamo”. Confirm instead of making those suggestions. Very soon you will find yourself paying a hefty penny in liable. Its immature and childish to act in this manner and you dont seem to have learnt after the Zambia National Building Society, NAPSA transaction where you suggested and tried to mislead in your story. In the last Zesco Story you published a partio of what ZESCO had filed to ERB? Its disruptive behaviour bwana.
    Go to Mr. Mumba who you have quoted and ask those questions. You speak of DMMU purchase, Gabriel Pollen is there to give you the answers for you to report to us. But instead you come here with overtures and suggestions of impropriety? Your intent is to undermine confidence in the current regime. The very definition of sedition. Which is a crime. Then you run to the UN and cry foul.
    Is that we should honestly live? Is that how you live in your home to bring such tendencies to the rest of us? Lets be responisible human beings. This reckless tendency has been going on for a while.

  3. Zesco technical staff understand the electric energy industry very well in terms of who produces what. Wouldn’t it save Zesco money to deal with the manufacturers instead of middlemen? This is the question I would ask Zesco, assuming of course that Emmanuel Mwamba has got his facts right. As for decommissioned industrial gen-sets in places such as Luangwa, Mufumbwe etc after connecting them to the national power grid, Mwamba would have probably got a prompt response from Zesco if he had engaged them in a professional way and not through social media.

    • Some sensible information come in like ranting and waffling ends up in a bin because the originator is a rolling empty drum…too much noise everytime.
      Really this is the time to go back to Gen. Sets in districts where they were just turned off. Ba ZESCO how about that?
      Am sure we should still have them in many Districts. Turn them ON!

  4. Did you want them to notify you? In emergencies like the one we have, ZESCO and its Board are enough to make a decision. People are seeing the results and are happy. Unlike in PF, inflated prices but supplying air.

    • Mufumbwe and Luangwa were connected to the national power grid before the UPND came into office. Most people who were sitting on the Zesco board of directors, for example Mbita Chitala, are today in the PF and therefore Emmanuel Mwamba’s colleagues and only a phone call away. They certainly know what happened to the industrial generators because it was decision that would have required board approval.

  5. Short term solutions are urgent hence no need to waste time politicking,let the new dawn government fix things for both short and long term. Zambia spent time for the last ten years under PF being rooted of our resources without considering the future and now is time to fix things and it is being just like that. For Emmanuel Mwamba and his colleagues in PF ,hard lucky you missed your opportunity, just keep on talking until you will get tired of seeing progress after progress.

  6. Ka mwamba fyonse ni critising that’s why abantu balimisula tupfools. Ubupuba bwachila. Lyonse ni bwabwabwa. You are supposed to be telling us ilyashi lyapa Turkey not ifyama gensets everyone is happy with what government is doing to address power shortage except tupfools.

    • Exactly my Bro’ we are seeing Short term and long measures being implemented.
      Right now the President is in China visiting the largest Solar Plant in the world.He will definitely find an investor. Bally wakulekafye. The Mwambas are making noise he is ziii….working methodically.

  7. Just leave them Mr. Mwamba they will be arrested after August 2026. This why they are even coming up with fake predictions for Kainde, when he will be the big loser in 2026! They will die from shock when he loses even in Southern province. Actually he has an uphill battle he Southern province because people there don’t want Kaindes usual team of MPs, Mweetwa, Mwimbu, Nkombo etc, so they have resolved to vote for independents, that means very few voting for Kainde! He is on the losing end! But that’s how God has designed it, no Sangoma will change that.


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