Whether you like him or not, John Sangwa, the People’s Lawyer and future People’s Judge – Saviour Chishimba

    Saviour Chishimba


    I now understand why President Kenneth Kaunda would respond, “That’s a stupid question! Sit down!”

    Wining a case is not necessarily about how good a lawyer is. There are lay people who have represented themselves and won cases against lawyers. Evidence in some cases is so overwhelming that one may not even need the services of a lawyer.

    Beyond the merits of a case, and most importantly, the impartiality of the presiding judge or panel of judges equally matters. Remember the Savenda v Stanbic case? One of our gallant sons, Gregory Cifire, is in exile for calling for justice on a matter of public interest.

    Basically, a good lawyer is one who understands the law and has the necessary experience with specialisms in the field of law under consideration and this is not about wining cases. Lawyers are not trained to go and win cases. They are officers of the Court who help the Court to arrive at a verdict.

    Whether you like him or not, John Sangwa, the People’s Lawyer and future People’s Judge, is the finest legal mind that our nation has produced and contributed to the body of intelligentsia in the legal fraternity.

    Like Lord Denning, John Sangwa, SC, has historically raised issues of law before Court that beat the imagination of the bench. I remember when he raised a preliminary issue in The People v FTJ Chiluba case. He argued that the President did fall in the definition of a public officer. Thus, charging him for theft by public servant was misplaced. In other words, he exposed a lacuna in our laws.

    I have no doubt in my mind that, one day, with this People’s Lawyer running the wheels of the justice system as Chief Justice, there would be cleansing in the Judiciary and #dobadoba lawyers will have it rough!

    #NoThirdTerm! #GoBack!

    Saviour Chishimba

    #VOTE on the staff #Pankonto! for No PAYE; No Sales Tax; No Market & TV levies; No tolls on Public Roads; Land redistribution & houses for all Zambians.




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