Why We Protested At National Assembly Yesterday- Hon. Tasila Lungu

Dear Friends and Supporters,

Yesterday, Tuesday 30th, November we took action as MPs from PF and in concert with other opposition MPs to protest in the National Assembly. This was not an easy decision.

At the heart of the matter was the presentation of State House Estimates of Expenditure that made reference to a Constitution that no longer exists as opposed to the current Constitution.

The Leader of the Opposition in the House, Hon. Brian Mundubile MP rose to question this anomaly – based on a non-existent Constitution.

We felt as MPs we could no longer continue to discuss a matter that related to a non-existent Constitution. We thus left the House.

We hope the matter will be rectified.

Thank you all for your understanding and support. We continue to serve you as your representatives in this august House.

Tasila Lungu Mwansa

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