Wind Of Change Is Loud And Clear In Rural Areas- Colonel Panji Kaunda

Panji Kaunda


By Kamuti Muyambela

Ruling PF member Colonel Panji Kaunda says people in rural areas have embraced the desire to change government on August 12.

And Col. Panji described as cheap propaganda Joseph Malanji’s claims that about 700 people from opposition UPND in Vubwi district had joined the Patriotic Front (PF).

He told Daily Revelation that PF should not blame anyone on August 12 when they leave office because the people of Zambia particularly in rural areas have been governed on lies.

Col. Panji, a PF member observed that lies have short legs and therefore any government that thinks could deceive the people in perpetuity was merely chasing the smoke. He said Zambians were not stupid or dull that they cannot see PF lies.

He cited Vubwi as one the districts which had been on the receiving end of PF lies.

“A lot of things were promised (by the PF government) in the district. There was a promise about the roads that haven’t been done; schools they started haven’t even been finished; as usual there are no medicine in hospitals and clinics. A lot of things that people were promised haven’t been delivered. So, life here is as difficulty as everywhere else including towns,” Col. Panji said. “The traders are struggling to take their goods and produce to the market (because) the cost of transport has become unbearable. Roads are in deplorable state. So, life is very difficult in rural areas and voting for PF is a nonstarter.”

He said even bribing and enticing voters with money would not work because people have come to a realisation that the trend was perpetuating impoverty.

“What is even more interesting is that people say, ‘okay, you bring money, give us: we will eat but we won’t vote for you’. That’s what is on the ground. The ‘don’t kubeba’ is backfiring on the PF,” he noted. “If I were them (PF), I would think twice on dishing out money to the electorate.”

Col. Panji said people of Vubwi like many others in rural areas are calling for change, adding that the ‘wind of change’ has become a household name among rural voters.

“The wind for change is very much alive and kicking in favour of the UPND Alliance. Everyone in Vubwi (district) is calling for change: they are in full support of president (Hakainde Hichilema), the MP, councillors and everyone contesting on UPND Alliance ticket. I am PF, but I can see change coming,” he said. “This change is not hiding at all; it’s in black and white that everyone here can see and smell very closely. The people calling for change are ordinary Zambians; villagers; youths; women who want real change.”

And Col. Panji said all UPND structures in Vubwi were intact and no one had defected to PF as claimed… continue reading via this link



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