…says the country is in need of a Government that is not reactive at every point

Lufwanyama… Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Catholic Priest Fr. Andrew Chewe Mukosa says Zambia is suffering from a lack of a listening Government amid various hardships affecting the people.

Fr. Mukosa of St. Joseph Mission in Lufwanyama District said Zambia is in dire need of a listening Government that is not reactive at every point.

He emphasized that dialogue is key in addressing high cost of living, load shedding, unemployment and rising number of children living on the streets.

“Today in Zambia there are a lot of things that have gone wrong. We have high prices of commodities and people cannot afford them. There is a lot of poverty. Today we also have high levels of load shedding which is going on right now. I am not blaming it on anyone but this is a reality which we need to sit down and talk about.Today, we have street kids, high crime rate and high unemployment levels in Zambia,” he said.

Fr. Mukosa warned the Government against being reactive.

“We need to sit down on a round table and talk about all these things but at the moment we are suffering from a lack of a listening Government. Zambia needs a listening Government, a government that is not reactive at every point. For these issues to be tackled our Government should listen to the people,” he said.

“If the Government is not listening to us it cannot sort out these issues. We need to listen to each other in order to build our Zambia. I would call upon the Government to listen before they react and to listen to the people attentively so that these issues could be tackled. Listening is the first part of development and if the Government is not listening it means we are very far from development,” Fr. Mukosa said.


  1. This father speaks as if these issues are new in the world. Some of us have lived in all 4 govts and around the world. The same are the same. The question is what are the route causes and what iavgivt of the day doing about? Put in programmes to alleviate and not to eliminate as it is impossible to resolve these issues in 3 years. Let be realistic becaueven at our personal levels we can’t resolve family and money issues within 3 years of starting work.

  2. Father ,instead of lamenting about government not solving problems citizens are facing, what role as a church are you playing to alleviate poverty in communities as ur party of the governance system.

  3. This is a lost sheep if not a goat. Surely this mukosha chewe is saying resolving the issue of electricity or power deficit is through dialogue, dialogue. Dialogue in what dense. This your statement –

    (He emphasized that dialogue is key in addressing high cost of living, load shedding, unemployment and rising number of children living on the streets.)

    Surely, Addressing the cost of living is not just by dialogue, surely! Addressing load shading does not only need just dialogue, surely! Addressing unemployment needs not just dialogue. This father I don’t know how people are being blinded by silver. Sinking so low surely and being made talk because of the brown envelops from Lungu. Misplaced calls.

    Baba, if you don’t know anything better you keep quiet.

  4. Some of you the clergy you are confusing us in the way you come up with issues.We are not there to defend the wrong the government is alleged to be doing.Dont mix hate with what you tell us.We fail to pick your allegations because you most times show biaseness and lies too.It is like the story of hyena and the kidding child.We fail to know when you are telling us the truth because you concoct with lies and dramatise things most of the time.It may be too late to realize you have been telling us the truth. Change your approach because we may not be in order to be supporting wrong dowers.Your hate speach against government makes us believe that you just harbour hate especially when you dwell on hurting presidency.

  5. I expected full of verses from this article unfortunately the priest decided to joining politics I have seen pastors organizing crusades and start teaching people about God I doubt if this priest knows any verse from the bible.

  6. Fathers, Priests and Bishops have lost the objective of being clergymen.
    1. Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar
    2. If you want to be a politician, be like Father Bwalya and don’t hide behind the Clothes
    3. Don’t be the devil’s advocate
    4. Don’t push anyone’s agenda
    5. Do not preach hate through inciting messages like this one
    6. Do not stand in front of the congregation drunk with wine
    7. Do attend to the congregants’ needs and emotional uplifting
    8. Do not contribute to street kids’ growing population by impregnating vulnerable women
    10. Avoid any message that will make you look like you are inclining toward a certain tribe

  7. Reactivity and sensibility are driving forces in any course of development success. Without reaction to unjust force of the devil, how can you become a clergyman. Sensitivity is about distinguishing realities from unrealistic expectations. In my opinion you can not develop without considering an addition of these two.

  8. When you are advising someone, it does not mean that your advise is what those you are advising should do, it also does not mean that your advise is the only one or best of all. While you want government to take certain actions you may not be aware of other things at play that make government not to do certain things. So have your facts in line.” Government should pay this” do you know their financial position? ” Government should do this” do you know the legal requirements to do that ?

  9. Our governments not just the UPND but previous MMD and PF governments have been very quick to listen and act upon foreign investors complaints like giving massive tax holidays to the mines and even small ones like brick and pavers makers. The massive tax breaks are hurting us Zambians and our economy. Only UNIP government used to put Zambians first. The only problem with UNIP was was commandist parastatal economy which drained the economy. Unfortunately PF brought back this loss making parastatal IDC and UPND is going full throttle with it. We don’t learn. The priest lamentations are real. It is us Zambians who vote governments into place NOT foreign investors


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