Zambians Must Quarantine PF Before Tribalism Becomes Pandemic



    2nd May, 2020.


    Zambians must collectively vote out PF before tribalism becomes pandemic. PF is synonymous with evil things like stealing, killing, corruption and tribalism just to mention a few. Therefore, we call upon all well meaning Zambians to quarantine PF in 2021, before people start killing one another. We don’t want what happened in other Countries to happen here; especially that tribalism is being condoned by the PF top leadership.

    It’s very shameful that fellow tribal mates are in the forefront of promoting tribalism. The latest being Mr. Christopher Yaluma. It would be unfair to people that came up with the word Honorable to apply it on Mr. Yaluma. I have never come across any Honorable person promoting hatred amongst the people he leads. Would Mr. Yaluma be a proud person if a Tonga person is killed by PF members because of his tribal remarks? Equally would he be happy if Tongas start victimizing Bembas living in Southern Province because of his careless and irresponsible hate speech?

    It’s very evil of you Mr. Yaluma and your PF to stand in front of very innocent people and incite them to start butchering one another just because you want to continue as a Member of Parliament. Those words you uttered clearly shows that you a very dangerous and irresponsible person to represent the people of Malole in the National Assembly. That Honorable House is the unifying symbols for the People of Zambia and you Mr. Yaluma want to go there with blood on your hands. That House is the foundation of One Zambia One Nation, in case you didn’t know some of the materials used to build that House came from all corners of Zambia.

    Mr. Yaluma tell the Nation what has been your relationship with your Tonga subordinates at your Ministry? Is your conscious free that you made those tribal remarks? In whose interest did you utter those words? You must grow up if you want people to respect you. Since no one has condemned you from PF we take it that was an official statement from your tribal party. We are aware that some Minister gave a very weak statement on the issue but since she is neither the party nor Government spokesperson she was talking to herself and just adding salt to the injury.

    Percy Chanda

    UPND – Chairman for Mines and Freedom Fighter



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