Home Business ZESCO has scammed me Half a Million – Mwala Moto

ZESCO has scammed me Half a Million – Mwala Moto


ZESCO has sammed me Half a Million 😭 😭 😔
Mwala Moto wrote;

Imbwa ndine for investing over 500 pin to construct a ZESCO power line and buying a 200kva transformer which have all transfered to become ZESCO property 🙆🏽‍♂️🙆🏽‍♂️🙆🏽‍♂️ Despite footing the whole bill myself and even engaging a private contractor at my own cost, am not allowed to demolish the line and sale the items but yet I have no power most of the time and my business is struggling🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️

Yet I could have used the money to build a solar system😭😭 That I could fully own, capitalize on my balance sheet and even borrow against it 😭😭Apa am even remembering the advise of my good Friend Radical Farmer 🙆🏽‍♂️ He told me; Mr. Mooto just use your money to set up a solar system but as a typical Zambian ati awe ni funa ZESCO, Solar ivuta when their is no Sun 🌄😭 Apa I see the sun daily more than the ZESCO power I called reliable 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️ Imbwa ndine for sure.

Friends if you have a farm or a house avoid the scam of putting aside resources to construct a power line and buying a transformer to connect ZESCO power, learn from me 😭 Just use your resources to set up a solar system, it might appear expensive but its more reliable and even cheaper in the long-run. Poppy ndine for contributing 500pin to the ZESCO infrustructure to access power I rarely have 🙆🏽‍♂️🙆🏽‍♂️🙆🏽‍♂️


  1. I have often questioned this also. Why does ERB allow this daylight robbery? Through what Mr Mooto did, Zesco increased its fixed assets but without paying for them. The person who paid for them does not own them. Is this fair? I think it’s about time this was tested in court.

    • You’re right. ERB needs to come in. Too much crookedness with ZESCO. I was also given a similar offer, to buy my own infrastructure to get connected but handover the infrastructure to ZESCO, but fortunately I refused to take that offer. This has resulted in ZESCO putting me on waiting list for over 2 years, I don’t even know if they’ll ever connect me

      These contractors also make outrageous demands

  2. Story is not factual. Full of emojies as though written by a school kid.
    Please break down your story with factual information Remember your complaint on social media will not be taken seriously.
    I’d there was a contract, engage your lawyers

  3. Two things Sir, we need to know the initial arrangement. Then we also need to hear from ZESCO, then we can come in.


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