Home Politics PF ZESCO seeks to increase tariffs upto 156%- Amb Emmanuel Mwamba

ZESCO seeks to increase tariffs upto 156%- Amb Emmanuel Mwamba


By Amb Emmanuel Mwamba


…ZESCO seeks to increase tariffs upto 156% as an emergency tariff to raise revenues amounting to about US$14 million monthly…

The Energy Regulations Board (ERB) has received an application from ZESCO
Limited for the approval of an emergency tariff adjustment for its Residential, Commercial and Maximum Demand customer categories.

The aim of the application for an emergency tariff is to raise revenues amounting to about
US$14 million monthly to support the procurement of 300MW as follows:

i. 70MW from South Africa;
ii. 50MW from Mozambique; and
ii, 180 MW through the deployment of in-land diesel generators.

Increase the cost for customers consuming over 200 units

● Tarifs will rise between 50 and 156 percent.Maximum Demand Customers (e.g. Manufacturers, Farmers, Shopping Malls)
Maintain the current tariffs for 70% of the total electricity consumed in a month.

●Increase tariffs for 30% of the total electricity consumed in a month.

●The proposal results in an increase in tarifs by 50% – 143%.

However, customers with existing and active partial Emergency Power Supply Agreements (PSAs) with ZESCO will not be subjected to the emergency tariff changes.


  1. It’s a wise move actually, 12units is K70 in SA , while in Zambia K70 will get you over 150units. We should understand why zesco has failed to be upto date coz the machines they use, are bought from the same manufacturers that supply SA most likely. They can increase by 300% and it will still be cheaper than in many countries that we think are doing well.

  2. Mwamba Ambassador of Misinformation. This is an application to increase tariffs and ZESCO HAS NOT INCREASED TARIFFS. There is a difference.
    “ZESCO seeks to increase tariffs upto 156% as an emergency tariff to raise revenues amounting to about US$14 million monthly…”

    Read your own article again. This application is subject to ERB. The can either agree or refuse.

    Mr. Mwamba you show us an excerpt of documents which when actually read seems reasonable. Why dont you show us the full document? As I said yesterday. You dont want to report. Give facts. You want tp sway a narrative. Misinform. Which is nothing but malicious and lined with criminal intent to incite. Give us the full document and let us read digest and form our own opinion. That is why we go to school and learn to read.
    If anything this document shows how responisible is, in sharing the cost.
    Lastly, the document explains Zesco’s rationale. While increasing tariffs, those that consume less than 100units the net effect is that there is actually a TARIFF REDUCTION. A way of driving down power consumption and dealing with vulnerable consumers. So now immwe na boza yanu aMwamba king Kachepa dont you feel embarassed that your lies are actually a sign that Zesco and Government are listening? Maybe if you gave us the full document we read and learn that this a temporal and mitigating measure to the draught situation. Something I alluded to yesterday.
    Have some sense of shame Mwamba….boza yachilamo


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