Home Politics PF ZMA calls for suspension of Masebo amid ZAMMSA scandal

ZMA calls for suspension of Masebo amid ZAMMSA scandal


ZMA calls for suspension of Masebo amid ZAMMSA scandal

THE Zambia Medical Association (ZMA) has called for former Health Minister Sylvia Masebo to be barred from holding any ministerial position until investigations into the Zambia Medicines and Medical Supplies Agency (ZAMMSA) scandal are concluded.

The controversy centers around 61 containers of medicines and medical supplies intended for the ZAMMSA warehouse, which were diverted to a private facility and stored there for seven months.

The Ministry of Health faced criticism after it was revealed that the containers of critical medical supplies incurred K9 million in demurrage charges due to delays at the port.

This diversion allegedly occurred without the knowledge of the ZAMMSA Board and the Ministry of Health, raising significant public concern and questions about the government’s commitment to healthcare delivery in Zambia.

At a press briefing in Lusaka, ZMA President Roy Kaumba emphasized the need for transparency and accountability in the management of medical supplies.

“The former Minister of Health should not hold any ministerial position until all investigations over this matter are conclusively exhausted to allow for a transparent system and preservation of public trust in our elected officials,” Kaumba stated.

Kaumba further urged the newly appointed Minister of Health, Elijah Muchima, to consider dismissing the current ZAMMSA board and appointing a new one.

“How can a board claim to be ignorant of the whereabouts of a government-to-government consignment meant for ZAMMSA that cost the Zambian people $24,000,000? That is a cost too much to bear.”

He stressed that the ZAMMSA board should be actively involved in monitoring and evaluation to maintain accountability.

“ZAMMSA should regularly publish procurement plans, contracts, and audits to maintain transparency. Ensure all procurement processes are competitive, transparent, and adhere to approved international standards,” he advised.

Kaumba also highlighted the need for leveraging technology to enhance the tracking of medical supplies.

“Implement advanced systems to track the movement of drugs and medical supplies effectively to ensure no break in the supply chain.”

He called for public awareness campaigns to educate citizens on identifying and reporting suspicious activities and emphasized the importance of regular audits to ensure compliance with national and international regulations.

“In the seven months that the said medicines and medical supplies were kept in the containers at the private facility, how many times did the board meet and was the delivery of the said consignment on the agenda? If not, why?” Kaumba questioned.

“The Ministry of Health, having committed the country to such a huge expenditure, paid for by the taxpayer’s money, why then did it take seven months for the ministry to find out that the consignments meant for the ZAMMSA warehouse had been taken to a private facility?”

Meanwhile, Chief Government Spokesperson Cornelius Mweetwa disclosed that Masebo has not been found culpable in the scandal, noting that the President cannot fire her without evidence.

By Catherine Pule

Kalemba, July 26, 2024


  1. One should ask who directed them to be held at a private facility and WHY.Before any.shipment is placed on demurrage/storage for no clearance.the consignee is advised. Who in ministry of health was advised, what role did the ckearing agent play,who benefitted from the storage costs..it would appear there are a number of players in this episode.
    Did the subordinates who are responsible for clearance and delivery advise the minister of the problem.surerly there must be evidential correpondence to the minister that she wss made aware of the issue..what role would a PS have in the chain of events.q

  2. The following questions should be asked about this medicine scandal (1)who was the minister of health when this medicine scandal was happening? (2) is silvia masebo the only suspect in this scandal (3) why hh is not firing silvia masebo for this serius scandal ? (4) is hh also suspected in this scandal (5) is hh serius with the fight against corruption involving his party members? (6) who is the owner of that private facility where the medicine were stoled ? (7) who was paying for the storage and how much for a period of 7 months ? (8) who were the drivers involved in the transpotion of the medicine to that private building (9) what are the number plates of the vihecles involved in the transpotation of medicine to that private building (10) is the medicine expired or not expired after this period of 7 months ? (11) does hh and his government know that this is the serius scandal which should be investegated ? (12) will this medicine scandal die a natural death ? (13) is serius presure such as peaceful protest needed for hh to be forced to fire silvia masebo and allow investigation to take place ?

  3. i think peaceful protest is required to force hh to fire silvia masebo and allow investigation to take place

  4. hh is quick to allow investigation involving opposition party members to take place,chiwamila galu kuluma mbuzi ,there is selective fight of corruption, upnd members are protected and opposition members are attacked

  5. upnd is just a corrupt government,last time one of upnd minister was seen in a trending video receiving a bribe but hh lied that it was a calender shame !!!

  6. there is nothing like corruption , upnd members are angels and clean like kk handca chief , all you guys just hate the innocent hh and upnd , hh until 2090

  7. my relative died bcoz of lack of medicine from uth, i suspect that thes upnd crooks takes medicine into their drugstoles

  8. The tag of corruption lies with the remnants of PF in gov institutions. They are doing everything possible to make sure HH and his hard working Ministers fail.
    ZESCO is one such institution where those in control of Spill Gates can sabotage gov by not regulating the flow of water in a planned manner. Check who is in control of Movement of medicines, fertilizer and key things that matter. Then you will understand who is fooling who.

  9. Winner is the only commenter that has posted sense. Others are just bitter people. The fact that she was moved shows there is investigation going on. No one is guilty until proven guilty.

  10. There is an article done by the Zambian eye published on 20th July, 2024 in which it was alleging that a certain munji Haabenzu who was a private secretary of sorts, an unsworn officer managing the President’s diary at community House was fired in connection with the ZAMMSA scandal. Mr Haabenzu hasn’t refuted this story. He has just quietly disappeared from community House. And no one to date has asked the Zamban eye to retract the story. Could this be the reason why Silvia Masebo is not being fired? Is there a connection between community House and this ZAMMSA scandal?
    Why are lines of communication between the Ministry of Health appearing to be blurred or virtually non existent concerning this deal?
    Could it be that some parallel structures, may be at Community House were responsible for this deal?
    Munji Haabenzu has been mentioned as being associated to this saga, surely he should be questioned to establish his role in the whole thing!


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