Bowman Lusambo Not Happy With New PF Central Committee Appointments

By Bowman Lusambo

As we rebrand, it’s time to consult the Elders

It’s almost 10 months since the Patriot Front lost power to the UPND. As expected, a lot has come with that loss of power. The party has now embarked on a rebranding exercise which has been welcomed across the length and breadth of the party.

As someone who has experienced loss of political power before, I wish to render my opinion on how the party could approach the next few years in opposition.

With everything going on within and outside the party, it is paramount that those in leadership, at the highest level of the party (the Central Committee) consult the elders of the party on its future in the short, medium to long term.

The PF spent many years in the opposition and in that period, it endeared itself to a lot of noble men and women who wanted to see it succeed. These people worked closely with founding President Michael Sata and some of them never even got rewarded for their gallantry. Some of those people are still around and can still be consulted on the next course of action for the PF.

These men and women have proven over the years that their interest is purely the wellbeing of the party. I wish to warn that going by the way appointments to the Central Commitee are being dished out even to underserving people, the PF will face a tumultuous time which will be difficult to recover from.

The list of Central Committee appointments are even more concerning that they have conveniently omitted key members who have publicly declared their intentions to run for the presidency of the party. I ask, why is Hon. Mutotwe Kafwaya not on the list? Why is Ambassador Emmanuel Mwamba not including on the list? Why is Hon. Chishimba Kambwili, one of the founder members of the PF not included on the list?

For the purposes of strengthening the party ahead of a very bumpy road, I wish to advise the party leadership to consider inviting Hon. Kafwaya, Ambassador Mwamba and Hon, Kambwili into the Central Committee. The trio is more deserving than those appointments that have been handed out as if they are decorations

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