Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba  expresses concern about prolonged detention of PF Secretary General, Raphael Nakacinda.


…Mwamba expresses concern about prolonged detention of PF Secretary General, Raphael Nakacinda…

Lusaka-9th October 2024

Patriotic Front Chairperson of Information and Publicity, Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba has demanded that the Human Rights Commission (HRC) establishes an immediate inquiry in the suspension of civil and political rights of the Opposition in Zambia.

In his letter to the Human Rights Commission (HRC) dated 9th October 2024, Amb.Mwamba said the silence of the Commission on wide-spread abuses of human rights amounted to complicity with abusive authorities and law enforcement agencies.

He cited the case of Patriotic Front Secretary General, Hon. Raphael Nakacinda, who has been detained for over 8 days without being granted police bond or without being presented before the courts of law.

He stated that the statement from Police Spokesperson, Rae Hamoonga, that they have  made Police Cells a second home for Mr. Nakacinda exemplified the wanton abuse and disregard of human rights by the Zambia Police.

He said during the course of his duties as Secretary General in the last 3 years, Nakacinda has been summoned 30 times, arrested 21 times and is appearing before 12 magistrates over cases related to offences of speech.

It is clear that the authorities have breached the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), a multilateral treaty that Zambia has signed and ratified.

He said the frequent arrests of Opposition figures, was a violation of human rights, freedom of expression and democratic tenets.

Below is the letter to the HRC

Dr. Pamela Towela Sambo,
Human Rights Commission Chairperson
Human Rights Commission
Human Rights House, Independence Avenue
P.O. Box 33812, Lusaka, Zambia
Tel: +260-21-1-251327/251357, WhatsApp: +260-95-4443010

Dear Chairperson,

The Human Rights Commission (HRC) is a National Human Rights Institution established pursuant to Article 230 of the 1991 Constitution of Zambia as amended by Act No 18 of 1996 and Act No 2 of 2016.

The mandate of the Commission shall  ensure that the Bill of Rights, as provided for in Part III of the Constitution, is upheld and protected.

The HRC is further mandated to ensure that the Bill of Rights of citizens and people are upheld, respected, and protected.


Hon. Raphael Nakacinda serves as Secretary General of the Patriotic Front party and previously served as Chairperson of Information and Publicity.

His duties involves among other things, media engagements, issuing public statements, organising the Party and providing checks and balances, demanding transparency and exposing misgovernance of the ruling party.

It is these duties that the UPND Government has used to oppress him, use the law enforcement agencies to attempt to silence him and instil fear in him.

Over the past 3 years, Hon. Nakacinda has been summoned to the Police 31 times, and has been arrested 21 times and is appearing before 12 magistrates facing offences related to his speech.

In the last one month, Hon. Nakacinda has been arrested and detained on charges of seditious practices after he condemned the presence of poisonous and toxic substances (aflotoxins) in the national stable food, mealie-meal.

On Wednesday, 2nd October, 2024, Hon. Nakacinda was yet again arrested on charges of sedition.

Despite providing two impeccable working sureties, in form of Members of Parliament, the Zambia Police have refused to grant police bond.

Further the Police have refused to present him before the courts of law eight days after he was detained.

Members of the Opposition arrested have suffered long detentions before matters are presented before the courts of law.

The case of Hon. Nkacinda succinctly represents the similar cases of human rights other members of the Opposition have suffered.

Further, Zambia Police Spokesperson, Rae Hamoonga was quoted in the media stating that Police Cells were Nalcinda’s second home.

It is a matter of worry, that a constitutional body such as the Human Rights Commission remains loudly silent on the cases of human rights of persons including leaders of the Opposition.

We have been elated by international reports from human rights bodies including the United Nations Human Rights Council that have expressed deep concerns about human rights abuses, shrinking democratic space and the restrictions and persecutions being suffered by the Opposition in Zambia.

However, your organisation has remained silent, which silence amounts to complicit to authorities perpetrating the prevalent abuses and human rights violations.

It is imperative that, in the execise of your duties, you must NOT abandon the core mandate of ensuring that rights and freedoms are protected, secured and respected.

We therefore urge you to immediately cause an inquiry into this matter and make public your findings.

Your s Faithfully,

Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba
Chairperson of Information and Publicity
Member of the Central Committee

Jata Bulenge

Stop inciting people to bring down the government. Sedition Mwamba is a crime. Human rights wont take the criminal charge away. They will only stand up for if you do things within the context of the law. Assulting the Police simple as you think it is. Its a crime. You are not above the law Mwamba. Stop thinking you are God.


Just wait for his convictions when they start coming. You won’t manage even go and visit him. In any case by then you might also be in jail. Writing these propaganda messages day in and out won’t help you and your friends. Get real jobs. Stop being leaches.


At the way he is going the courts might also get tired of him and remand in prison till all his cases are concluded. There’s a limit to which someone can push their lucky. Unfortunately it’s almost getting there for Nakachinda. He won’t have anyone to blame.


Mwamba should ask himself why Nakacinda has been arrested 21 times. Nakacinda is a perpetual law breaker and will wind up in jail.

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