Call for President Hakainde Hichilema to Return Unjustly Awarded non-existent UNZA ‘Doctorate’- Kasonde Mwenda C -EFF President


Call for President Hakainde Hichilema to Return Unjustly Awarded non-existent UNZA ‘Doctorate’- Kasonde Mwenda C -EFF President

19th August 2024.

It is grossly erroneous to award an honorary “Doctorate” of Business Administration (DBA) to President Hakainde Hichilema by the University of Zambia because a honorary “Doctor” and a “Doctorate,” are two terms that hold distinctly different connotations in the world of academia and beyond. Installing a Doctorate on Presideny Hakainde Hichilema was wrong, there is no such thing and as such the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) is deeply concerned and outraged by the ongoing abuse and politicization of academic qualifications by public and private universities in Zambia. This worrying trend has seen institutions of higher learning compromise their academic integrity by succumbing to political pressure and bestowing unearned accolades on political figures, thereby distorting the true meaning and value of academic titles.

It is imperative to distinguish between an honorary “Doctor” and a “Doctorate,” two terms that hold distinctly different connotations in the world of academia and beyond. An honorary “Doctor” is a symbolic gesture, an acknowledgment of an individual’s contributions or accomplishments in a particular field. It is not, however, an academic qualification that implies rigorous research, scholarship, or mastery of a subject. On the other hand, a “Doctorate” signifies the highest level of academic achievement, often following years of dedicated study, research, and contribution to a body of knowledge.

The conflation of these two terms is not only misleading but also dangerous. It undermines the credibility of our educational institutions and devalues the hard-earned qualifications of scholars who have committed their lives to academic excellence. By awarding an honorary title as a “Doctorate,” the University of Zambia has set a troubling precedent, blurring the lines between academic merit and political favoritism. This is a disservice not only to the academic community but also to the people of Zambia, who expect our educational institutions to uphold the highest standards of integrity.

Furthermore, in diplomatic and professional circles, the misuse of titles such as “Doctorate” can lead to misunderstandings and misrepresentations. The international community relies on these distinctions to assess the qualifications and expertise of individuals in various fields. Misleading titles can damage Zambia’s reputation, calling into question the credibility of our educational system and the qualifications of our leaders.

The EFF strongly advises President Hakainde Hichilema to return the honorary “Doctorate” to the University of Zambia as a matter of principle. It is not an appropriate or earned title and should not be allowed to stand unchallenged. Instead, the University should correct its mistake by bestowing upon him the honorary title of “Doctor in Business,” which accurately reflects the nature of the recognition without infringing upon academic standards.

We call upon the University of Zambia and other institutions of higher learning in the country to resist political interference and uphold the sanctity of academic qualifications. The integrity of our education system must be protected at all costs, and the EFF will continue to hold accountable those who seek to undermine it for personal or political gain.

The Economic Freedom Fighters stand for the true values of education, integrity, and justice. We will not tolerate the degradation of our academic institutions and will continue to fight for a Zambia where qualifications are earned, not awarded as political favors.

Wherever we want to go our feet will take us there.

Kasonde Mwenda C
Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF)


  1. We surely don’t have opposition in Zambia worth their salt. Of what value is president HH receiving or not receiving an honorary doctorate? Surely is there any problem with the honorary doctorate awarded being awarded to president HH?. Everyone knows that an honorary degree is not an academic qualification and one can not use it as a formal academic qualification but rather it’s just an honorary award given to someone for the work they may have done in the community. There are many public figures around the world who have received honorary degree awards in the past and no one has issues with such because they are just a formality and don’t have any academic value in themselves but it’s a way universities honour people they think have done some good works in the community (of course community work is subjective). Further, the man seem to be confusing himself, with the terms, a doctorate is the award given to someone and a doctor is the person given the award but he seem not to know the difference between the two terms.

  2. I may be wrong but chances are high that the guy has tied himself in knots. UNZA is not a fly-by-night university. There is no way UNZA can honour someone with a “Doctorate of ….” I believe it has been honouring deserving people over the years, including President Hichilema, with a “Doctor of…” From my little knowledge the correct nomenclature of degrees awarded by universities are: Bachelor of…(or Honours in…), Master of…, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)…. I don’t know if there is a degree, honorary or otherwise, with the nomenclature of “Doctorate of…”. Maybe it is there at the UNZA, but I really doubt it.

  3. So they should start with former president and Zimbabwean president who were honoured as presidents…?
    This does not add to critical national issues being faced at the moment.

  4. Is it that everything about HH has something wrong. Kasonde makes me sick, it is too much about comments on HH.
    One is awarded honorary doctorate he start useless nit-grit just to disown HHs achievement. Awe awe this is too much.
    Edgar Chagwa Lungu got his even with more drama but who commented?
    Let’s have opposition that will look at what affects Zambians not individualizing issues that have no sense. Kasonde Mweenda is taking over from Edith Nawakwi who hates HH to the core.


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