…Prince Chanda.

….and the statement is true that says;
_”If you want to eat with the devil, you make sure you have a long spoon”_

I have known GBM since i was a little boy at about 11 yrs old. I grew up knowing him as a great businessman until I could work with him and understand his business. Genuine and traceable. He buys farm produce, keep them and sale them when the prices favours his set mark of profit. He owns a number of properties most of which he bought from government during privatisation as the highest bidder for anything he bought, while others were undervaluing state properties to convert to themselves through inside buying , he bought what he bought as highest bidder. He is among the top 20 richest men in Zambia, even if you bring it to top 10 he will be on the list.

GBM was a major funder of PF prior to 2011, he stood by sata under severe scrutiny of his business by RB’s MMD Governemt. He has been known for his courage and boastful nature , yet kind and forgiving, accormodating and open minded. GBM funded most PF MPs in 2011 general elections and elections before.
When sata had issues with the current Chitimukulu, cabinet made a collective decision not to install sosala as paramount Chief, against all odds , GBM chose his relative and resigned his position as defense minister, it devastated sata who went further to engage some of the defense ministers in the region to land in zambia to talk to GBM to rescind his decision, one of such defense minister is current Zim President. GBM stood the ground and remained outside government.

When UPND had issues penetrating northern PF strong holds in the northern blogs , when HH was stopped from entering copper belt for his lies  when he went through the roof in Ndola , they got lucky GBM got frustrated leftbPF tonjoin them. GBM spent millions to feed upnd cadres and it’s leaders to traverse the country and establish presence in bembaland and copper belt including the east. I was with GBM when he was defecting to upnd as his right hand man and on that very day I told him I believe in PF ideologies, I can’t join UPND, go but when you return back to PF, you will find me.

When HH was arrested for treason, GBM and VJ Mwaanga left the country to fight for HH’s release, he went to south africa , chattered a plane for him to fly into regional leadership to seek support for Hichilema’s release. The letter to the commonwealth was written in GBM’s house in South Africa. 

The 2016 legal fees after the failed Presidential petition, the bill was shared half half between GBM and HH. Here is something to note, GBM was spending his hard earned cash, Hichilema was spending money from the mines. The choppers GBM hired while in upnd, it was his cash. GBM spent in excess of 10 million while in UPND, all upnd leaders and cadres praised GBM for his generosity, UPND cadres are cowards it was GBM who gave them courage to stand out with those he defected with to UPND.

Here my words to GBM and all those who will soon find themselves in his predicament. Life upon man is battle , always remember that when declare war on am enemy, do not accept negotiation for peace, fight on and you will conquer.
I remain *Hardliner*


To err is human and to forgive is divine.Admission of a wrong is true humility. A True friend is known for open rebuke to his fellow friend.
Shift blaming of one’s wrong to other is not true humility

Kubeja Badala

GBM was a tenderprenure, he abused his position as defence minister but the author is trying to blame others for his misadventures. The 24 counts he was charged with are so explicit and have nothing to do with UPND or indeed HH.


Lady justice is blind and knows no good person. All she knows are that matters are put on the scale and when lies outweigh truth, there is an adverse judgement against an individual. Prince Chanda, we appreciate your historical engagement and knowledge of GBM. At the end of the day he is now a convicted criminal who abused his powerful public offices to rob Zambians of resources which could have gone towards children’s education and public health facilities.
We want to see more of these convictions from the economic crimes court for past, present and future public office criminals


Ba Chanda is clearly using a different justice system from what is obtaining in Zambia. Yes, in your eyes Mr. Mwamba is a great man (whatever this means). However, in the eyes of our justice system, Mr. Mwamba abused his authority and office as Defence Minister to do business with government. Obviously, there was a very serious conflict of interest here. Of course Mr. Chanda sees absolutely nothing wrong with this. To him, it is being a shrewd businessman.

Maybe we should think of bringing back Dr. Kaunda’s leadership code. It served a good purpose. Government officials can own businesses but under no circumstances should they engage in business with the government. The chances of abuse are extremely high, even when they declare interest.

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