Kampyongo Questions Government on Hosting AFRICOM Office in Zambia


Kampyongo Questions Government on Hosting AFRICOM Office in Zambia

Lusaka, June 20, 2024 – Shiwang’andu Member of Parliament Hon. Stephen Kampyongo has raised a crucial question to the Zambian government regarding the hosting of the AFRICOM office in Zambia.

This inquiry was directed to the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation this afternoon, highlighting regional concerns about the presence of the AFRICOM office in the country as highlighted by the Zimbabwean President.

The move has sparked a debate over Zambia’s foreign policy direction and its potential impact on regional stability.

“Is your government in a position to reconsider hosting AFRICOM if you realize during your conversation with other member states that they are equally as concerned as Zimbabwe? They may be quiet but they share the same concerns as Zimbabwe,” asked Hon. Kampyongo.

Last week, Zimbabwe’s President Emerson Mnangagwa sought assistance from Russian President Vladimir Putin to protect Zimbabwe from what he described as Zambia’s increasing alignment with Western interests.

In his remarks, President Mnangagwa stated that the West was consolidating their power in Zambia in terms of security and financial assistance.

In his response, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation failed to directly address Hon. Kampyongo’s question. Instead, the Minister diverted the focus to the authenticity of the said video footage of Zimbabwe’s President and his Russian counterpart.

This evasion has not gone unnoticed and has further fueled the controversy, leaving many to question the government’s transparency and commitment to addressing the serious concerns raised by both domestic and regional stakeholders.

“We risk involving ourselves in a discussion based on purely speculations and scenarios. What I expected was the Member to bring factual information that the following member states have raised concern,” the Minister stated.

However, Hon. Kampyongo’s question was based on whether the UPND government is able to reconsider its decision in the event that Zambia discovers its neighboring countries share the same concerns.

As the situation develops, the Zambian government faces a critical decision that could shape its diplomatic relations and regional dynamics in Southern Africa.


  1. We could belong to a block of countries with governments which are socialists defining their foreign policies along those lines. However, Zambia is a sovereign state with capitalist free enterprise foreign policies completely different meant to benefit only Zambia economically on mutual respect with those we partner with. Why have a foreign policy that defines the ideological standing without tangible benefits? Long are days we sacrificed for other countries in the region during their independence struggles not any more. We are in a hurry to lift our country out of poverty AFRICOM or no AFRICOM.

  2. Fellow Zambia’s, you .might be a journalist j My wish is that You don’t have to be a journalist like Emmanuel Mwamba or this Young Man at KBN is it IP or so but be a professional journalist who is a professional and by so being you will be credible.

    Now, we also have some politicians like Freddie, Munir, Edith and PULE just to mention but a few. Who are in politics but just for their own benefit, being pompous because of thirsty of power, pride and arrogance. Not even fit to be called honourables. Because called a honourable, is something big. People will honour you because of who you are and what you have to do or has done in a righteous way for others including the community where you are or live.

    Now coming to the issue of AFRICOM and our neighbours in particular Zimbabwe. This issue of Zimbabwe was just created through the hatred that Fred Memmbe, Emmanuel Mwamba, Nakacinda, Lubinda and others have on our Republican President, President HH. If you can remember, after the recently held elections in Zimbabwe when President HH as SADC Chairperson appointed his honour the Former Vice President of Zambia Dr. Nevers Mumba to be the Head of mission under SADC for Election observer team in Zimbabwe, the report together with his mission team did not settle well with ZANU- PF and President Emmerson Munangagwa moreover, while these people in Zimbabwe were still in that election mood the likes of Fred mMembe, and the other PF team started talking I’ll of Dr. Mumba and indeed our Country Zambia bover the same issue even adding lied and evil judgements. They even started appearing on Zimbabwe TV talking ill of the ZAMBIAN UPND government, President HH and Dr. Mumba totally destroying someone’s name.just for selfish motives. These videos are still there and fresh in the majority Zambia’s. If what was seen and head in the open was like that what more can you imagine, was discussed – they have been talking in secrete?. I remember if I am not mistaken Dr. Mumba taking one of these criminals to court but I am not just very sure how that case went. So the heat that is rising between Zimbabwe and Zambia if any is was born by these ZAMBIAN so called opposition and is still being generated by these criminals, the so called opposition leaders. A full bunch of criminals, murderers who are always aiming to see blood being shed. Very sorry indeed for mother Zambia

    Now coming to AFRICOM there’s nothing wrong that even the katondo boy! kaponya ( kapyongo) can talk about. This one is a hard core criminal- Kapyongo ( who was saying at twatwangasha and even involved in stoning the helicopter that was carrying mama Moreen Mwanawasa and the current Vice President of Zambia mama WK Mutale Nalumango, this Kapyongo is just like JJ BANDA who urinated in the mouse of Sukwa the then Post News paper journalist and even stormed the central Police harrassed POLICE officers and even store some of their items and cash if I am not mistaken.
    AFRICOM if they have an office here, does not mean they have to tell Zambia to start harrassing of invading other nationals like other countries in Asia or far east are doing NO. It is just for security reasons. How many countries, if we can name them have American bases but are not attacking other countries? Talk of, say,
    1. Japan, do you hear Japan attacking or invading it’s neighbours? NO
    3. Talk of South Korea? Do you hear South Korea attacking others? NO
    3. Talk of many European countries, Germany inclusive . These Country infact are mostly talking peace.
    4. Even near hear in Botswana do you hear Botswana attacking others? No. The problem we have as a Country is that we have mostly agents of Lucifer who are thirsty of blood, full of lies and always want to have power at all cost. This is not how people especially in a civilized nation should live. Aikona man

    If you can see now even in Parliament that is now their work, but Iif you go to their constituencies CDF Iis not being utilised and are even saying CDF is not working. The CDF that is making a difference in most constituencies and communities

    Look at their master, SNAKE/DOVE with him even free education to him it is not there even when people are seing how classrooms are being fully occupied by learners.

    So there’s nothing people can start exaggerating about AFRICOM . These crooks they just hate the west and USA but if you see what USA is doing, has done and is still doing in our Country you will wonder what type of people they are. Many of our citizens have been employed by many USA NGOs, Agency and companies and are being paid well to them all this is not good. These people are crooks, robbers , criminals. Watch and listen to them with care but don’t blindly follow them.


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