Only Job Seekers And Bootlickers Fail To Engage In Intellectual Discourse – Trevor Simumba

Trevor Simumba, the trade expert, writes:

It is interesting to note that most independent minded patriotic Zambians be they PF or UPND or whatever label respond objectively and debate issues with a clear mind. It is only the job seekers and bootlickers who find it difficult to engage at an intellectual level instead they point fingers and accuse you of being bitter when in actual fact they are the ones that are bitter! It is called “projection”! They project their own insecurities on you.

One thing I know is that what comes around goes around! The same way ECL was elected President and voted out is the same way HHs time will come. If you truly love the UPND and HH then give your all to ensure success. Praising things you know are bad is not the way to ensure success. The tragedy in all this for me is that people I actually thought were friends and colleagues are in the forefront of labelling me. But one thing I can assure you I am Zambian and I will exercise my God given right to express myself fully.

Call me anything you like I will never relent. We have seen this movie before and it always ends badly. Zambia belongs to all of us!

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