June 30, 2024

They wrote to notify the Police on unheaded paper making it difficult for Police to respond to them.

However, the Police Commissioner, Mr Roy Kashimba called and advised them to engage ZESCO management on the matter.

They were further advised not to go ahead with the planned protest.

Danny Mwale
Deputy Police Public Relations Officer


  1. Protests to show displeasure of exporting electricity while there is none at home are in order.

    If they can not allow us to protest now, then will will do it at the ballot box.

    Enough of this nonsense from the tribalist conman.

    Vote wisely in 2026.

    • Identify yourselves and ask for the permit. Why write on in identified paper. And what will the protest achieve? Will it cause water to fill Kariba dam?
      This is ECL planning anarchy, we won’t allow it in this country. Come 2926 the margins will be even wider. Those threatening ati “they will vote wisely” in 2026 to vote HH out never voted for him in 2021. So there’s no difference that they will make. For us all those youths that have received skills training through govt bursaries will increase HH’s vote, those employed without knowing anyone will increase HH’s vote, those parents whose children had been unable to attend school because of fees will increase HH’s vote; those university students now receiving meal allowances will increase HH’s vote. Zambians know that the food crisis has been caused by the drought not by HH selling maize reserves which PF allegedly l left; the farmer that got paid for that maize after a long wait under PF will increase HH’s vote. Stop hallucinating that HH will lose, you had the same illusions in 2021; HH win even though he was not allowed to campaign! Lungu list even after campaigning heavily and throwing money from kasaka. It will be even more embarrassing now, because he is still campaigning but will lose badly.

      • Stop blaming the drought. South Africa is also experiencing the drought but has managed to halt loadshedding. Yet they dont even have hydro-electric dams. Dont look for excuses. Look for solutions within yourselves not elsewhere!

        • Read your posting again and see how you are contradicting yourself. In any case South Africa has been experiencing various stages of load shedding for a number of years now.

    • Indigo Tryol fuseki you don’t even understand government operations PF loser iwe. Yes we shall vote New Dawn government again against your PF Kelenkas. Abash guntrotting and Panga Wielding PF criminals forever.

  2. Danger, it’s about the drought, in any given crisis there need for those in leadership to come out and explain the situation and what measures they are going to take to ensure the situation is managed properly.
    The president when in opposition is on record saying during load shedding period it was lack of leadership, once elected he will fix the problem.
    So where is leadership?
    Why paying hefty salaries to under performing management at Zesco especially MD. Effective leaders would have come out and ask for forgiveness as this is beyond their scope.
    Why should Zambians want to exercise their right to protest to meet Zesco management when the appointing officer of Zesco MD is the president (government) . There are too many spokespersons for the government and each one of them wants to over do the other. Mark Simuwe chief strategist for UPND will woke up from the slumber and alter his own agenda. Kangombe will insult elders and no one in the UPND is addressing or advising him to tone down. In return those who are in opposition see the behaviours of Kangombe as a Norm and they go after HH as the head of UPND. Behaviour bleeds behaviour.
    I do not understand why the people who want to demonstrate even went to the police knowingly the police will say no.
    The police spokesmen are generally incompetent as they are not trained to channel matters of governance to the ministry in charge of the power generation and distribution or information. So far no ministry or government entities have addressed the issue of load shedding and how Zesco is planning to combat this issue by using other means to generate power. Zambia is ensured with sun and this can be used by generating power from solar panels

  3. I wish the spineless loud mouths would be in front of this planned Zesco protest. A few Shamboks by the paramilitary Police can straighten their croocked Backs and Psyche. What did those over 20 Kenyans die for last week in Kenya or those of our fellow Zambians die for pre 2021, in vain or for what? I can never fight the war for Politicians, they loot alone and among themselves and their families. I am too smart for that.

  4. The load shedding is not the problem. It’s is the manner in which it is being executed. And democracy allows for people to demonstrate even those Lgbt+ who demonstrated. It is their right.

    • I concur with your observation in relation to the management of loadshedding. It is easier to adjust ones activities if the loadshedding timetable is adhered to.

  5. The drought is also expected to affect the energy sector, which plays a critical role in supporting Zambia’s copper industry. Hydropower provides 85% of the country’s installed capacity (ITA 08/07/2022). In 2024, the energy sector was projected to face a deficit of nearly 450MW, potentially exceeding 500MW. As a result, the Government plans to import and ration electricity to sustain the economy and industries, particularly the heavily reliant mining industry (BBC accessed 15/03/2024; Reuters 29/02/2024). The combined effects of power rationing and drought create a significant challenge for the Zambian copper industry, the second largest in Africa, which accounts for 11% of Zambia’s GDP. Power limitations and water scarcity hamper production, potentially leading to job losses, decreased revenue, and a negative effect on the country’s overall copper output (ZambiaInvest accessed 15/03/202Y; IFPRI 10/11/2023). By 2023, diminished rainfall had led to a 60–70% decline in productivity within the manufacturing sector, which contributed an average of 7% to GDP from 2010–2017 (UNUWIDER et al. 09/2020).

  6. Pafwenamwine yenda uzifele wekha uko ku Chibolya Compound PF idiot iwe. The government from time and again has been updating the Nation on ZESCO challenges regarding loadshedding Mambala iwe. Yenda ukatunde mu Lake Kariba iwe maxo apake we. Stupid PF loser thinl properly.

  7. Do people now want to start protesting to God? It is only God who has control on the climate. Even if they protest, it won’t help them anything, we just have to wait for the next rain season. Alternatively, let them use PF tunda plan, Hon Davies Chama can tell them. Si ivuta plan yakaena, ni ku tunda chabe mu Kariba Dam.

  8. When did Police become supervisors of Public Adminstration? Why demand for headed paper? What law says official correspondence must be on headed paper?

  9. Instead of Demonstrations, wouldn’t it be better to call an Indaba at KK International Conference Center and brainstorm issues and then come up with working strategies?
    At least that will give ZESCO some useful feedback!
    Let ZESCO proactively give a listening ear by booking the venue plus good meals then the youths will be confused about what the protest was about … Kikikiki
    The concerns being raised are valid!

  10. Protesting for what for? So what? These are definitely time wasters “ni ku tumiwa”, you have been sent to do such a thing.That must be mob psychology or chimpwena.Who do you think can find pleasure in switching off lights for long? This drought is an eye opener we have to arm our selves with other alternatives,when God gives us our normal rains we shall have more power to even export from either hydro or any source we shall come with.This experience just makes us to think positively on how we can correct our old thinking of depending on hydro.Presidents do come and go.Electricity doesn’t determine who wins elections.Zambia is a vast country with high population and a lot of our people have not been having power for long.This expirience will help us to think about provision of power to all.Protesting is failure to think.Why does a normal human being want to pass blame to someone who has just been in power for short period of time.Let us Begin to think about plan B.Protesting may end up in loss of life or damage to our valuable property.Dont advocate for arnachy.That is the devil’s game.Hatred will never take you any where.Thinking correctly will bring about development and economic growth.


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