Seizure of Esther Lungu’s flats excites Church


Seizure of Esther’s flats excites Church

Council of Churches in Zambia (CCZ) general secretary Fr Emmanuel Chikoya says the Church mother body supports the decision of the Economic and Financial Crimes Court over the seizure of 15 flats belonging to fomer first lady Esther Lungu.

Fr Chikoya said those entrusted with power must be able to explain and be accountable on how they accumulated the wealth that they have, and that no one should actually have a problem doing the same.

But he warned current serving leaders to learn from what was happening against the former leaders as the whole thing could boomerang on them.

We agree entirely with the observations made by Fr Chikoya. Indeed, leaders must be able to explain how they ended up accumulating the property they have accumulated. Esther and her children argue that they were provided with the resources to build or accumulate the properties they have accumulated by the former head of state, and that he was ready to explain how the same happened. Esther said Lungu was ready to explain her wealth accumulation as it came from him. His son Chiyeso has also said that the 69 vehicles plus other properties were given to him by his father. Surely, despite all the privileges a president accumulates, there is actually no harm questioning or even explaining how certain things were accumulated. And we believe it should not be a problem for Esther and her other relations to explain how they accumulated the same. Zambians must certainly demand so.

Zambians also demand to see a situation where current serving leaders will start to be arraigned before the courts on some of the crazy properties they have accumulated in the short period they have been in office.

Credit: Daily Revelation


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