THE UPND Ministers hon. Jack Mwiimbu and hon Cornelius Mweetwa have been competing as to who is the biggest drama King in the ruling party. While hon Mweetwa took the first spot for a long while, hon Mwiimbu has clearly taken over the number one spot. Shocking that they are both lawyers by profession.

At the Citizen’s First/ UKA Samfya rally over the weekend, President Edgar Chagwa Lungu clearly said civil servants doing ifyabupuba will face the consequences when government changes in 2026.

If some people condemning his statement knew how the opposition are suffering at the hands of some of these politically influenced civil servants, they would not even say a word.

President HH sorted out civil servants that were political and abused him when he was in opposition. Truth of the matter is that, when power changes, it is not just the people who say so, but anyone who forms government can never condone civil servants that abuse the law to sort out the opposition on behalf of the ruling party. Civil servants should stay away from politics and work with the government of the day, while serving the public, which includes the opposition. Why should a civil servant fail to serve me when I visit their office, all because I am not in the ruling party? Why should the police arrest me anyhow all because the politicians have told them so? Why should court judgements be politically influenced?

Before they give people charges, the police even clearly tell you that they are waiting for instructions. So I repeat, there is nothing wrong that President ECL said in Samfya. Presidents Sata and HH both said similar things while in opposition and when they formed government, politically exposed civil servants became casualties. That is the sad reality of our politics.

And while in the past, only high ranking civil servants became casualties of political changes, the UPND has actually fired even low ranking officials that were perceived to be political while they were in opposition. So civil servants have learnt the hard way the consequences of doing ifyabupuba fyama politics when your job requires you to be neutral.

We ALL want a professional and objective civil service for the good of Zambia and all its citizens. That is the only way that our country will develop now and in future.

By Saboi Imboela
President- NDC
Regular victim of ifyabupuba


  1. That is nonsense you want to victimize innocent civil servants.It is inconveniencing not only the victim but the entire family.Some civil servants removed using your method are often sacrificial lambs.And sometimes you find after retiring an individual service delivery is disturbed.But what I observerved is people who champion the discharge of these individuals and those who support such don’t last long they eventually die one by one.Probably the spirit of the dependants of individuals get upset.Now the system is even Changing the approach,Mr Lungu is now talking of following them to their homes.This is now threatening the marriages of civil servants.And Lungu’s cadres are always dangerous like pitbulls.We shall just join in decampaighning you.You are all very useless banch of wrong thinkers.We advise all civil servants and their friends and relatives to watch out.And don’t give voted to people with an evil spirit.Mwa itaya manje.

  2. Ofcourse Saboi will find no wrong in ECL s speach because she lacks morals. She has no scruples and is sadly lacking in decency. She has no manners not even bad manners.

  3. Saboi. Kindly note the following nonsense that Lungu spewed in Samfya:
    The head of the civil service is the Secretary to the Cabinet. As such , it’s his office that can issue such a statement.
    The Civil service has failed to perform because of such interference.

  4. UPND cadres you have short term memory in psychiatry we call it amnesia. Most of you insulting her , you have easily forgotten what President HH went through on the hands of trigger happy police officers, cadres , civil servants. Senior citizens a long and distinguished career UPND cadre, can confirm personally warning those abusing him that HH is a Zambian first and to make things better in he the main opposition political leader who deserves the highest respect and honour. Stop abusing him. You recall he stopped from entering Eastern province deliberately delaying him to leave the airport, CB the same and too many acts of desperation and stupidity were made against president HH by well known civil servants and the police in particular.
    Today , this is happening which my humble opinion thought the way president HH has gone through this he will make a good leader to stop this nuisance. Today you go to the ministry of education just to update your CV you have to pay k15,000 to HR through their organised crime syndicates, go to Provincial Education office in Kabwe, they promote 10 Tongas as headteachers on the spot.
    When people are saying please don’t over do. Go to Zesco, Judiciary, prisons , police , ZNS, Army, ECZ, Education, Health, just to mention a few . I can assure you if you don’t want truly to have your relatives in civil service removed or demoted please change your ways. We have seen people who had no money Mark buying ranches and trucks showing off on social media platforms. Why has Mark got the money from the man who had nothing?
    Do you think the properties that you are confiscating from your perceived enemies will not be returned if there was a change of government?
    Do you think and believe people who have from no where building and buying Ranches and trucks from unexplained sources of income or wealth will not face the same consequences that your perceived enemies are facing ? I’m not in anyway or another supporting or defending criminal activities but the fair application of laws . Do you think those who have called other tribes they have poverty minds will not be reported to the police in Luapula and spend time away from their homes which have the police stations nearby? Do you think , the promotions of those people from one tribe will not be reserved if there is a change of government? We human beings have little memories to show, the same mistakes that PF did are even worse in UPND. I do not think president HH is aware of the scale of the gravity that his disciples are doing openly with no regard whatsoever for him. People are quiet about everything because they don’t want to be arrested. People writing here supporting the indefensible actions are like those PF cadres who used to insult, discredit and make threats to those with different opinions, views and beliefs. They used alebwelelapo. Today where are they or Lungu? Please to hide behind the keyboards go into markets , compounds or villages and hear what they are their feelings, thoughts and fears of what is happening to strategically position yourselves and make some decisions that are sensible and meaningful. We can argue here and throw tantrums as shadow enemies when the people who can retain president HH to the highest office are there quietly observing. Please help the president by not shielding him from what the ordinary people are saying or feeling. You guys have the power and influence to speak to the president. We don’t what to hear wish we had listened earlier when it’s too. Being in opposition it’s not easily when you were ruling. I rest my case

  5. UPND cadres you have short term memory in psychiatry we call it amnesia. Most of you insulting her , you have easily forgotten what President HH went through on the hands of trigger happy police officers, cadres , civil servants. Senior citizens a long and distinguished career UPND cadre, can confirm personally warning those abusing him that HH is a Zambian first and to make things better in he the main opposition political leader who deserves the highest respect and honour. Stop abusing him. You recall he stopped from entering Eastern province deliberately delaying him to leave the airport, CB the same and too many acts of desperation and stupidity were made against president HH by well known civil servants and the police in particular.
    Today , this is happening which in my humble opinion thought the way president HH has gone through this he will make a good leader to stop this nuisance. Today you go to the ministry of education just to update your CV you have to pay k15,000 to HR through their organised crime syndicates, go to Provincial Education office in Kabwe, they promote 10 headteachers on the spot. You know which tribe if this not true ask and the answer is there. Some are too juniors with no degrees or less experienced
    When people are saying please don’t over do. Go to Zesco, Judiciary, prisons , police , ZNS, Army, ECZ, Education, Health, just to mention a few . I can assure you if you don’t want truly to have your relatives in civil service removed or demoted please change your ways. We have seen people who had no money Mark buying ranches and trucks showing off on social media platforms. Why has Mark got the money from the man who had nothing?
    Do you think the properties that you are confiscating from your perceived enemies will not be returned if there was a change of government?
    Do you think and believe people who have from no where building and buying Ranches and trucks from unexplained sources of income or wealth will not face the same consequences that your perceived enemies are facing ? I’m not in anyway or another supporting or defending criminal activities but the fair application of laws . Do you think those who have called other tribes they have poverty minds will not be reported to the police in Luapula and spend time away from their homes which have the police stations nearby? Do you think , the promotions of those people from one tribe will not be reserved if there is a change of government? We human beings have little memories to show, the same mistakes that PF did are even worse in UPND. I do not think president HH is aware of the scale of the gravity that his disciples are doing openly with no regard whatsoever for him. People are quiet about everything because they don’t want to be arrested. People writing here supporting the indefensible actions are like those PF cadres who used to insult, discredit and make threats to those with different opinions, views and beliefs. They used alebwelelapo. Today where are they or Lungu? Please to hide behind the keyboards go into markets , compounds or villages and hear what they are their feelings, thoughts and fears of what is happening to strategically position yourselves and make some decisions that are sensible and meaningful. We can argue here and throw tantrums as shadow enemies when the people who can retain president HH to the highest office are there quietly observing. Please help the president by not shielding him from what the ordinary people are saying or feeling. You guys have the power and influence to speak to the president. We don’t what to hear wish we had listened earlier when it’s too. Being in opposition it’s not easily when you were ruling. I rest my case

    • Very good and timely advice. As for corruption in HR departments, this is as true as the Sun setting in the west. If the country had a sharp and proactive ACC many HR staff would have been behind bars by now. Unfortunately president HH is surrounded by tired clueless people. It is easy to see that the president and his people are operating at different levels; they are not in tandem.

  6. Exercise Creatine Supplementation, 161, p priligy 60 mg 16 of the patients in SOFT assigned to tamoxifen alone received ovarian suppression treatment, and in adherence to treatment for 5 years was reported in approximately 20 of patients 2, 3

  7. Being a sperm bank for ghosts does not help much when it comes to logical thinking. No difference with fuledi vapa Matako, he’ll never think right!!!

  8. Sin has no excuse. He who fears God will abhor evil and its appearance. No Christian will support inappropriate words that place anyone under threat

    • @Mr Which, sorry but this one’s capacity to explain or enlighten you on anything she says or does has been severely diminished by excessive ingestion of ghost sperms!!!


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