They nearly killed me- Hon Munir Zulu


They nearly killed me

Hon Munir Zulu shares…19th August, 2024

What A Monday!!!

I was in court much earlier today and as usual after court I took time to go to Parliament motel for some soup 🍲. What was shocking was that those that ordered heavy meals like nshima had their orders ready before mine which is the easiest to prepare, vegetable soup and I was suspicious as to why my soup has taken longer than the usual time.

Fast forward someone decided to serve me the soup but I made a polite request that before I consume the soup let them test it as well since we are leaving in difficult times.  Guess what ? They couldn’t test the soup and that is how I also abandoned the eating! I paid the bill for unconsumed food because if the one preparing it is not willing to test it then who am?

Chalo chili namano


  1. Goodness what type of members of Parliament do we have? We need civilised educated people not the calibre we have now so called abductions escapes now suspected poisoning. LOL what next I wonder. Witchcraft I suppose.

    • Here in Lusaka he is a kama worthless cockroach. In RURAL Lumezi even the chief salutes the boy because not only is he the richest but he is the don and has no challengers. That is why he is so madly excited and feels like a kama pseudo President. Politics brought him to civilization in Lusaka…you know villagers. Same goes for THREE WIFE MAD JJ BANDA. These are dull uneducated maize sellers cum politicians from villages. Guys living in Lusaka who hail from these villages and have relatives there should challenge these nincompoops and bring normalcy in Parliament.

  2. Who has bewitched us kashi,? Why do we have such low caliber individuals as MPs mwebantu sure, is there anywhere that the wauter should first test the food before saving the client, this boy should be termed before he sets this country on fire

  3. This is a problem when you have a clown for an MP. Next time voters need to think twice before voting immature chaps like Munir. While other countries have progressive youth MP leaders we have clowns monkeying around instead of fighting for the voters betterment of their lives. What a shame

    • They have no alternative unfortunately. What do you expect in Lumezi. I have gone there several times. People live like they are not in Zambia. He never even goes there. He is the kama richest don there….

  4. Some of us the only way we respond to anything that comes with a bit of suspicion is by name calling or insults. The truth of the matter is the guy has enough enemies and he knows that.
    He may have some people who may have tipped him or the person serving him was not comfortable with what he was ordered to do. If he was the one preparing and aware of the contents of ingredients he could have tested the soup.
    Let’s be objective here and name calling will definitely harden more suspicion especially on this blog too many are state house based hired bloggers, we can PI addresses

    • Pafwenamwine keep your PF foolishness to yourself malume. Your dangerous PF idiot Munir Zulu knows that there’s a Food and Drug Laboratory at UTH, why didn’t he take the sample specimen for confirmation? Stop entertaining gullibility iwe PF loser.

  5. Is this really news?
    Come on zambianobserve is this load of nonsence worthy of your opening headline.

    There is newsworthy things happening in Zambia and this is certainly not one of them.

  6. I blame that person who saved your life, they should ve killed rather, as they wud ve saves us alot of money which u stole and 2 ,which u get paid every month for doing nothing but insulting us ka monkey iwe. Next pls die.

  7. Is Munir Zulu telling us that those cooks at Parliament Motel keep some poison in the kitchen ready to poison some people or MPs they don’t like. I don’t know how many MPs have been poisoned from there before. How can they target him out of all the MPs that eat from there? Or are they given instructions that when this person comes, please institute a kill by poisoning his food? In my opinion, If the MP is suspicious of being poisoned, he can use friends to order the food and the cooks won’t even know that it’s him ordering the food. I believe he has a lot of friends, fellow Parliamentarians whom he can be using each time he goes to feed from there.

  8. Who can kill Mr. Munir Zulu? For what purpose surely? He is no pressure creature so who is bothered? He was sent to cell because of his seditious talk which is a crime not because he is a political giant. Since he left Chimbokaila he is hallucinating and quiet( Jele te yabaiche). Even Nawakwi humbled who has heard her loud mouth after Chimbokaila? Am told she has vowed never to be close to any rubbish that can see her back to Chimbokaila kikikik.
    That how to make them realize their where they belong.

  9. By law if cafeteria the serving staff should not eat the served food? The employee was following the ethics of catering NOT poisoning as per Munir Zulu thought.


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