The ruling Patriotic Front (PF) Vice National Chairperson for Mobilisation Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba says the move by UPND to resume campaigns is a sign of desperation.

Mr Mwamba says the nation is mourning the first Republican President Dr Kenneth Kaunda, therefore, resuming campaigns shows that the opposition political party its only focus is to form government.

Mr Mwamba who is also PF Northern Province Presidential campaign Manager, says there is need for all political parties to respect the first Head of State by halting campaigns.

He says Dr Kaunda did alot for the country, people need to give the respect he deserves.

Mr Mwamba says UPND’s desperation has gone too far, which is unacceptable.

“See how our neighbouring countries are mourning him, why can’t we do the same,” he says.

“We will go into campaigns once the 21 days elapse. KK deserves respect.

If the UPND cannot respect the dead, especially the first Head of State, what can they do to you Zambians when voted in power,”.

The Vice National Chairperson for Mobilisation people of Zambia must scrutinise people who should be voted into the political office.


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