The Official Portrait for the incoming Head of State and Commander In-Chief of our Armed Forces, His Excellency President Hakainde Hichilema. (Credit : John Kayesha)


Renowned lawyer Mulambo Haimbe has demystyfied the public perception perpetrated by PF that UPND leader, Hakainde Hichilema is a closed person who is not welcoming to people.

Speaking on the Hot Seat Program on Hot FM this morning, Counsel Haimbe stated that President Hichilema was a humble and ordinary person who has a lot of passion for Zambia and its people.

He recalled an encounter with Mr Hichilema at his Kasama Residence in Lusaka when Mr Hichilema personally served him a cup of tea out of humility.

He stated that the few times that he has conversed with President Hichilema has helped him clear the wrong perception that Mr Hichilema was a selfish person who doesn’t share what he has with people, adding that Zambians risked ruining the country if they do not vote for Hichilema in August next year.

“I have had the benefit of knowing the President (HH) personally. This is an individual when you sit down with him, you strip away these political nuisances, you realise that he has a passion for this country and that he’s an ordinary person just like you and me. He is a very nice guy who actually served me with a cup of tea at his home on several occasions,” he said.

He stressed that the propaganda that he was a violent person who uses vulgar language was a deliberate ploy by PF propagandists who have always wanted to smear and paint him black.

Mr Haimbe also cautioned those who are in the habit of misrepresenting facts by taking the interpretation of one particular language into another.
“Basically, the whole propaganda; the whole narrative that he used vulgar language is a deliberate ploy to try and paint him black. But the issue is: you cannot interpret expressions from one particular language to another based on your understanding in your mother tongue. The most important thing that people must do is to take an objective view of the context in which a particular word was said,” he said.


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