By Sara Yeta ll

The successful UPND road shows have sent intense shivers down the Patriotic Front (PF)’s spine turning them into political invertebrates.

They could not believe the natural response the road shows commanded and the natural multitudes drawn.

The message is clear; the wind of change is everywhere and unstoppable.

However, I want to highlight what the UPND
National Women’s Chairperson Doreen Sefuke Mwamba, political heavyweight, said in Luapula accompanied by youth leaders including Stephen Chikota and Cindy Kauka.

Ba Doreen told people that the wind of change is in Luapula and she was there to ensure that there is a robust vote protection strategy.

I will repeat what ba Doreen said in Milenge; “we want to ensure that we have a robust vote protection strategy”.

Mark her key words; “robust” and “strategy”.

Robust means strong and responsive while strategy means setting goals, determining actions to achieve the goals, and mobilising resources to execute the actions through intended tactics.

In short, she told people in Luapula that the wind of change blowing in the province and across the country will be a load of hot air if there is no strong and detailed plan on how votes will be protected.

Ba Doreen is saying the UPND family, voters and civil society should lead all Zambians in strategic thinking and planning to ensure that there are physical, human, intellectual and financial resources to design and implement a robust vote protection strategy.

This of course is not to ignore what is being implemented now but a clarion call to invest in an integrated practical action plan to prevent electoral malpractice.

Batu bahesu, Lungu must be democratically kicked out resoundingly, the reason every vote matters.

Change is definitely coming!


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