Lusaka – 24 June, 2024 – Citizens First would like to urge the UPND Government to immediately drop the infamous $72 billion Vietnamese investment talk in which Zambia is likely to lose 6 million hectares of land in Luapula, Muchinga and Northern Provinces.

While we take note of a statement issued by ZDA clarifying that the allocation of land to investors is not part of its mandate, we still want to believe this Government has intentions to push this scam through given the prominent coverage that the proposed investment has received in the state-owned media.

We are therefore deeply concerned that the issue of giving away our land to foreigners is now becoming a trend under President Hakainde Hichilema, first we heard about huge tracks of land being sold to a Dubai Company, and now we are reading about the proposed 6 million hectares of land to be sold to a little known and questionable investor.

We want to remind the UPND Government that Zambia is not a limited company, it’s not for sale. We say no to the scandalous auctioning of our country to the highest bidder!

The proposed $72 billion Vietnamese investment smells of a very repugnant stench of corruption. Any right-thinking leader cannot entertain the thought of giving aways 6 million hectares of land for 99 years to one foreign entity. It’s unheard of anywhere in the world.

In case ZDA and the UPND are not aware, 6 million hectares is equivalent to 60 000 square kilometers and Luapula Province alone is only 50,567 square kilometers. The size of land this Government wants to give away for free is bigger than the size of an entire province. The question that Zambians should be asking is where does Mr. Hichilema want the subjects of Mwata Kazembe and Mwine Lumbeba to go when you sell their land to foreigners?

While Zambia needs Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), it’s immoral and highly irresponsible to start parading our esteemed Royal Highnesses and hoodwink them into supporting selling off 3 Provinces to one foreign entity when you have not furnished them with the devious and criminal detail in the proposed deal.
We urge ZDA and its CEO Mr. Albert Halwampa to stick to their mandate and not be used as enablers of suspicious investment deals that have the potential to defraud the nation. The price for the liberation struggle by our forefathers was to protect the sovereignty of our land and natural resources.

This Government or any other Government in future, should take heed NEVER to compromise our national sovereignty for political expedience.

Harry Kalaba
Citizens First


  1. Hakainde and his criminal enterprise must be stopped. These are BOLD criminals, and they look at Zambia as their play ground. Go to the people in these provinces and explain to them how Hakainde and his criminal enterprise want to steal their land…their heritage… their life. Mobilize your parties, and up the game…We won’t have any Zambia remaining if these BOLD CRIMINALS are left to their criminal whims.
    The Litunga can’t accept this nonsense..And Southern Province is a sacred and untouchable land. Let them take their farts elsewhere..

  2. Vietnam and the rest of Asia has been hit by one of the worst droughts in recent history!
    That should tell you what they have seen which our Boma doesn’t seem to see.
    Umunani wafipuba is the issue here!


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