The President

The Chairman
United Kwacha Alliance
New heritage Party secretariat

Dear Sir,


Following the expulsion of the three alliance partners from UKA, which action was not procedural one also saw the resignation of the Secretary General, we have introspected over the development and found it no longer desirable to continue our membership in the Alliance. 

From the time we joined, we have found ourselves as mere silent partners without any involvement in either decision making, or political activities of the Alliance.

UKA prides itself as an alternative to the undemocratic governance of the UPND led government, yet UKA itself is very undemocratic as can be seen from the treatment of the expelled three political parties. You have also failed to challenge the reasons given by Hon. Lacky Mulusa for his resignation.

Your application of double standards is extremely worrying for a political alliance that prides itself with hope to provide alternative governance to the UPND governance failures. Its sad that the Council of Presidents led by SC. Sakwiba Sikota and Chishala Kateka is failing to provide and practice good governance and fair treatment of Council of Presidents and Assembly of Presidents members.

It is shameful that you, the Chair and your Vice Ms. Kateka, Zambian people know as having immense experience have allowed yourselves to come out as spineless leaders, incapable of providing leadership of a buoyant organization so many people found hope in. How could you allow political upstarts such as Jackson Silavwe and Saboi Imboela who do not even know where they are coming from, where they are, or where they should be going destroy UKA?

One would have expected the two of you to provide leadership and guidance to Silavwe and Saboi but instead you have assumed the shameful role of Yoyos!
Any organisation formed with the good intentions which millions of people have bought into, would have long distanced itself from the unacceptable conduct of Ms. saboi Imboela and Silavwe who we believe have sowed the damaging seeds of confusion in all the structures of UKA and damaged the reputation of the Alliance to the outsiders. The COP’s failure to discipline these two has caused the collapse of UKA whether you like it or not!

Your preference for the suspected hired guns such as Ms. Imboela and Slavwe among others at the expense of political figures who were bringing more relevance to UKA than the damage the two cause each time they open their loose mouths has shown the weaknesses in your leadership and that of the Vice Chair.

The arrangement of COP and AOP structures have left the Assembly of Presidents members to exist as passengers thus making it embarrassing to convince our membership of the relevance of our membership in UKA. There is absolutely no difference between political parties that do not belong to UKA and those that belong to UKA as AOP members.

Given the above, we find it absolutely unnecessary to continue our membership especially after the resignation of the SG and the reasons advanced, which reasons you have failed to debunk.

Wishing you the best in your existence.

Yours Sincerely

Mr Wright King Musoma
ZRP President.


  1. If you can’t defeat them, just join them. Join the people’s party, join UPND and be party of the working team which is fixing the economy. Opposing just for the sake of opposing does not pay, this is the time the country needs your contributions most.

    • Ba Citizen, the UPND alliance does not need the likes of Mr. Msoni. He is a lone wolf and won’t bring anybody on board except himself.

      He is an opportunist and is likely to jump onto the Tonse alliance because that is where Mr. Lungu will pop up next. He is a “Muselela kwa kaba”.


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