A Tanzanian cattle herder has been arrested for allegedly grazing on Zambian maize fields


A Tanzanian cattle herder has been arrested for allegedly grazing on Zambian maize fields.

It as comes as authorities from Zambia and Tanzania met try to end years of conflicts between farmers and herders in the border areas of Mukalizi village in Nakonde and Kapele village in Momba district.

Sendaka Ipananga is among the six suspects accused to deliberately feeding their cows in people’s fields.

In one of the farms in Mukalizi, a maize field twice the size of a football ground could be be seen eaten more than half by the animals.

It’s alleged the herders are armed when they feed cattle from one field to another to prevent owners from stopping them.

Zambian farmers in retaliation kill the animals either for sale or consumption.

District Commissioners from Nakonde and Momba met this week to end the problem they feared would cause tension.

Momba DC Fakii Lulandala told people at a meeting in Kapele village the arrest has been done to restore order.

Nakonde Town Council Chairperson Nathan Musingwa Siame has urged Nakonde DC and the police to take a similar step after some village headmen were publicly mentioned of working with herders.


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