“Helpful RTSA lady, Charity Lungu becomes a man”


“Helpful RTSA lady, Charity Lungu becomes a man”

AFTER scamming dozens of drivers seeking quick fixes for their licensing woes or traffic offenses, “Madam Charity Lungu from the Road Traffic and Safety Agency” has been arrested but shockingly, she turned out to be a man.


Madam Charity Lungu’s plan was simple, pose as a helpful RTSA insider who was ready to help drivers speed up the process of getting their licences or have their traffic offenses removed from the RTSA system.

In a sweet, authorititative but cunning female voice, Madam Charity Lungu would through a phone conversation assure her “clients” that she had unrestricted access to the RTSA system where she can expedite the issuance of licenses or even clear their traffic offenses.

Madam Charity Lungu would then request a token of appreciation for her “generosity,” then when the money is sent, she would swiftly block the help seekers.

After running the scam for a  while, madam Charity Lungu’s luck ran out as she was reported to the Zambia Information Technology Authority (ZICTA) who in turn activated Cybersecurity Taskforce.

According to police sources, on Friday, the taskforce executed an operation by live-tracking the “RTSA lady’s” mobile numbers and to their utter shock, the investigation led to two gentlemen of Linda and Chawama Compounds of Lusaka identified as Victor Phiri, 29 and his 34-year old accomplice, Peter Dundula.

Under “painful quizzing” and “encouragement”, the two gentlemen admitted that Peter Dundula had been altering his voice while making calls to impersonate Charity Lungu.

In just a few days of their scam, the duo are said to defrauded different victims of K50,000.

They are now facing the music of their actions in Lusaka Central Police cells where more victims are expected to show up to file reports against them.

CAPTION: Left is Peter Dundula who was altering his voice to to pose as Madam Charity Lungu and on the right is his partner in crime Victor Phiri.

Kalemba September 30, 2024


  1. They are very foolish, they should be skinned alive. Instead of working hard, lyonse kufwaya fye ukwiba, abantu Bambi baba shani kanshi?


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