The energy sector, which is an enabler of economic growth, has been severely affected by the drought. 

The electricity sub-sector, which is predominantly hydroelectric, has experienced a significant decline in electricity generation due to low water levels.

To mitigate the effects of the drought on electricity generation and the growing electricity deficit, government is implementing a number of interventions. 

In a bid to enhance resilience and reduce over-dependence on hydroelectric power, we are promoting alternative sources of electricity generation. 

To this end, we commissioned the construction of the 300 megawatts thermal power plant in Maamba. This power plant is expected to come on stream by mid- 2026.

To diversify the energy mix and address the country’s current power deficit, ZESCO limited, with various partners, including those from China, is spearheading the development of several solar electricity projects. 

This is in addition to a number of private sector initiatives.

To boost alternative energy sources, government has issued the electricity (net metering), regulations of 2024. 

The net metering system will allow customers who produce their own electricity to feed excess electricity generated into the national grid. 

The Head of State encouraged citizens to explore and adopt alternative sustainable energy sources, reducing our reliance on traditional hydropower.

Over the past decades, we must all agree that we abdicated our responsibility to invest in this very important sector. 

Hence, our government is working around the clock to find lasting solutions to this historical challenge. 

We share the pain our citizens are going through.

Our resolve is to turn these challenges into opportunities to make Zambia energy surplus.

In the petroleum sub-sector, Government has continued to ensure security of supply of petroleum products. 

Government remains committed to ensuring efficient supply and stable pricing of petroleum products.



  1. With all due respect Bwana President, you have correctly stated that “the energy sector, which is an enabler of economic growth” dont think is its rather myopic to place long term solution as a basis to a current problem?
    Mid 2026 and an energy mix is not the solution to the 3hour loadshedding that will clearly lead to a shrink in the economy and make yoir efforts more difficult to attain your promises. Or do yoj suggest you will harp on the same message next year and hope for re election.

    No doubt, you are the most feasible candidate. But let not forget that you won on the basis of the message and hope that you gave.

    I would therefore suggest a two pronged approach. Raise the resources required to buy power for the next two or three months to increase the productivity in the economy. If you can find money to employ medical workers. You can find money to pay for the importation of power.
    The same rationale you used to speak to the removal of the subsidy can be applied to the employment of medical workers vs. Importation of power but in reverse based on the overall benefit. Imposing long term thinking and solar models on folks who are working capacity, is no helpful to mear mortals that live hand to mouth. The credit models in Zambia or you policy makers have done little but parot crumbs to expand credit to build capacity. The rethoric that is around on the availability of the efforts of possible opportunities to facilities (usual) exist to those close to the party and information first sips to them. And the limitation due to availability. Making your pronoucement of solar a joke. Sad to say. We all dont live in ivory castles. But neither do we expect hand outs. We only ask for a fair “shake” at the pie. Information of opporuntity should be transparent and available. When abused, deal with abusers whether party folks or kin. Credit is a means to expand capacity. Its generally a myth and Zambia ought to do better.

    • Oh…lastly, ERB messed up by not approving the emergency Tariff. Zesco should have done a better job helping the people understand the reality of their position financially. It is a public institution after all, and you spoke to the right to information just this afternoon in parley.
      Lets see that right to information being availed.

      Bottom line, its about Zesco and sustainability. Yes, you are trying to shift the narrative but as a farmer, you dont stop giving water to cattle because of the draught. You find ways to still provide water so the animals dont die or wither away. They are your investment, in as much as we are as citizens.

  2. A good approach Mr President. Believing every other citizen of the nation will adhere to the correct move on energy. Rightful thinking people will with no debate backup the more promising ways put across for the sake of seeing light at the end of the tunnel. No politics involved here, it is about trying to uplift the far down trodden vice naturally instigated. Who can stand on the path of nature? Trying our best as human beings of course through his permission will never be a wrong.


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