“He is a philanthropist that loves his country”

By Correspondent

We must celebrate our own successful entrepreneurs unconditionally. In the next few days all roads lead to Choma for an event whose magnitude has never been seen before. At least 3000 people of extraordinary means and backgrounds will converge to party , celebrate and spend. The economy of Choma will definitely benefit from the high intensity tourist event. The focal point of this event will be one James Ndambo .

This name has been reverberating in our ears for the past few months and will reach a crescendo as the main event unfolds probably to hysterical proportions. Therein lies the danger for James Ndambo . Our society does not easily embrace success or good works without suspicion.

Questions abound….
How did he make his money?
Why is he doing this?
Does he want to be President?
Is he a Satanist?
Is he Zambian?
Who is his sponsor?

In the next few months James Ndambo will be vilified and not praised or applauded.

The worst backlash will be from politicians and pseudo praise singers who will see in James Ndambo a person flaunting his wealth to shame others who claim to be millionaires and have not provided any meaningful developments in their villages or towns where they come from.

From the time James Ndambo became a businessman 30 years ago, he has built clinics. Hospitals, schools, roads, Churches. He has helped individuals with medical bills, he has helped widows and orphans . He has helped fellow entrepreneurs in trouble. James has not only done this in Zambia but wherever he has been. In English he is called a Philanthropist .

James is now a marked man in our society because his good deeds makes others look like talkers and just people who show off. James has shown us that no matter how much money you make or cattle you have you can only eat so much, you can only drive one car at a time , you can only live in one house at a time but you can share your wealth and uplift others so that you receive more blessings.

Let us celebrate James and many others out there who are successful .


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