Your Excellency the President of the Republic of Zambia
We are enjoying the following.
1. Freedom of of speech, movement, media
2. No fear of thugs, plunderers of national resources
3. Good health in the absence of fear
4. Fair play in elections, no rigging (unprecidented)
5 Rule of law which is unprecedented in Zambia or Africa, and beyond
6. Inclusion of all regions in Government
7. Involvement of all institutions and Zambian Intelligentia in national development endeavours. UNZA etc.
8. Empowering all Zanbians with CDF finds of K25.7 million from K1.6 million for each constituency.
9. Addressing the plight of pensioners and paying
10 Paying farmers on time of rains
11. Releasing funds for the handicapped and disadvantaged people
12. Free education from primary to secondary school and financing of grant aided schools.
13. Commencing the reconstruction of the economy to enable the economy stand without being supported by subsidies. Initial discomforts cannot be compared to life of terror where there was no hope. The current hardships will disappear in due course.
14 Linking Zambia to Angola through the road infrastructure stretching from Copperbelt-North Western- Western – Southern Provinces – Angola. This will result in cheaper imports of crude oil.
15. Creation of ministries for sustainable clean energy, environment and infrastructure.
16. Numerous employment opportunities arising from developmental projects across the country coordinated by the National Association for Medium & Small Scale Contractors
17. Employment of street kids in Farms and jobs for street vendors away from the streets, into constituencies following CDF disbursements.
18 Upcomibg numerous jobs associated with the transformation of the electricity supply operations and services and empowerment of local Counties.
19. Improved medical services including reduction of fees paid by nurses.
20. Increase in salaries for Government workers.
21. Payments for local authority workers.
Your achievements are too numerous to itemise.
Your good work will awaken the devil and we are already observing this. Please be assured that the forces of darkness have already been defeated by God Almighty The Creator of Heaven and Earth.
The mandate is yours. God is protecting you and your Government.
Dedicated to the President:
Hakainde Hichilema
We wish you good health.
Thank you