William Harrington

ENVIRONMENTALIST William Harrington says President Edgar Lungu must not be allowed to use taxpayers’ money to fund the proposed commission of inquiry on privatisation because 99 per cent of the Zambian population are not part of the stage-managed scheme by some so-called NGOs.

According to the consortium of NGOs, only a paltry 20,000 citizens have petitioned President Lungu to set up a commission of inquiry.

Harrington said the petition which the President was quick to accept and promise that “it would be a matter of time” before he appoints a tribunal will cost the Zambian taxpayer millions of hard-earned kwacha.

“We, the majority of citizens who are not party to the petition presented to the President must demand that the consortium of NGOs must be made to bear the burden and risk of yet another costly commission of inquiry as opposed to expenditure of public funds on an exercise whose outcome is not clear as to how it will benefit the economy and majority of citizens,” said Harrington.


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