Magistrate David Simusamba is doing all this because I refused to give him a K300, 000 bribe – Kambwili

Magistrate David Simusamba

30 October 2020

Opposition NDC leader has spoken out for the first time after being released from prison on bail where he was sentenced for forgery and altering of documents.

Kambwili has accused Magistrate Simusamba who sentenced him to prison of exhibiting hate on him because he refused to give him K350, 000 bribe to free him.

The former Minister says Magistrate Simusamba has also done the same to Fred M’membe and MMD leader Nevers Mumba who he asked for K250, 000 bribe. He said Dr. Mumba was sent to prison.

Kambwili said Magistrate Simusamba after PF won elections, he had to go to apologise to M’membe for having sent him to prison. He said Simusamba said he was being used by the MMD government. He feared that Dr. M’membe would ask President Sata would fire him.

Kambwili charged that Magistrate Simusamba was a danger to the Judiciary and must be dealt with.

The NDC Leader said even the bail cash money asked K300, 000 was unprecedented. He said Magistrate Simusamba thought he would not manage to raise that money and remain in prison. He thanked his family who organised the money.

He said Luanshya MP Chungu, Mayor Nathan Chungu, Chilufya Tayali and Magistrate Simusamba the people behind his imprisonment would be judged harshly by posterity.

Kambwili said he will not do anything to the people who instigated his imprisonment even when he becomes republican president.


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