Open Letter to President Hakainde Hichilema- Thandiwe Ketis Ngoma


Open Letter to President Hakainde Hichilema

What Determines How Long You Stay in Power is Not How Long You Had Been in Opposition, But Your Delivery of Your Campaign Promises

Your Excellency,

I watched the recent video clip in which you were addressing your sympathizers at your secretariat, asserting that the UPND party is a mature and resilient force, one that has been in opposition for 23 years. You also claimed that you endured the most brutality in the country—a statement that, in my view, does not fully reflect the reality. I came to know more about the UPND party after the infamous Mapatizya formula, a violent and divisive tactic used by your party to silence members from other political parties. This history cannot be overlooked when discussing your party’s past.

With deep concern and growing frustration, I write to you today as a voice for the many Zambians who once placed their faith in you but now feel betrayed. The hope and optimism that characterized the 2021 elections are rapidly evaporating, replaced by the harsh realities of broken promises and an economy in freefall. Your leadership, which was supposed to bring Zambia into a new era of prosperity, has instead left the nation teetering on the brink of collapse.

Your Excellency, let me make this crystal clear: what determines how long you remain in power is not the length of time you spent in opposition, nor the strength of your political rhetoric. It is your ability to deliver on the promises you made to the Zambian people. You have repeatedly promised relief, opportunity, and renewal, yet here we are, still struggling under the weight of unmet expectations.

The cost of living for ordinary Zambians has become unbearable. Essential commodities such as mealie meal and fuel have become unaffordable, pushing families to the brink of survival. Load-shedding has crippled businesses, and unemployment—especially among the youth—is at crisis levels. These are not mere statistics; they are the lived realities of your people, who are suffering in silence as your government looks the other way. Your inability to effectively address these challenges reveals a shocking disconnection from the people’s struggles.

Your government has promised much but delivered little. The economic situation continues to worsen, public debt continues to rise, and the currency continues to lose value. The very foundation of the country’s prosperity, once envisioned in your campaign promises, is now crumbling beneath our feet. The cries of the people grow louder every day, but your response has been insufficient, often dismissive, and at times, completely out of touch with the reality on the ground.

I must remind you, Mr. President, that the mandate you hold is not an entitlement, nor a guarantee. It is a conditional trust given to you by the people—a trust that is contingent on your ability to fulfill the promises you made. Zambians are watching, and their patience is running out. If you continue down this path of broken promises and government indifference, rest assured, in 2026, the very people who elevated you to power will bring your reign to an end. They will vote you out because you have failed them.

The people of Zambia did not vote for excuses, for blame-shifting, or for empty rhetoric. They voted for tangible results. They believed in your vision for a better Zambia and entrusted you with the leadership to bring it to life. But leadership is not about words; it is about action. It is about making the hard choices, prioritizing the needs of the people, and holding yourself accountable for the state of the nation. Your failure to do so will not be forgotten.

The power of the people is the cornerstone of our democracy. Disregard it, and you will do so at your peril. In 2026, the Zambian people will remember not your years in opposition, but your performance in government. If your leadership continues to fail them, they will have no hesitation in voting you out, no matter how much you may try to spin your narrative.

Thandiwe Ketis Ngoma


  1. How I wished there is a way to delete her rubbish. I would be even before finishing reading the Heading.

    So persistent like and irritating.

  2. This madam is so irritating.She is trying to be smart and intelligent with her yapping everyday.HH does not have time reading nonsense from you.Find a job to do sister!

  3. Who appointed you to be a voice for many Zambians. You are not my voice – Nshiduminisha indonga ukuya spokes person wandi Kano Chushi Kasanda- you get it.

  4. She’s a relative of the king looting family. She’s bitter that they’re being pursued for the crimes against the people. But her fight is an effort in futility as she can’t win against the fight against corruption. Evil can’t win against good. Her bitterness will eventually consume her.

  5. Madam bitterness!. How many teachers has UPND employed? How many nurses has Upnd employed? How security personnel has UPND employed. What about students meal allowances? What about bursaries for students. What about CDF in rural areas? Compare Ndola Lusaka road to all the small Lusaka roads that PF did in new Kasama! Chingola Chililabonbwe road is done. Chibuluma road in Kitwe. How many mines has UPND re-opened which were closed by PF? Do we still gave cadres in markets and bus stations? What about cadres going into civil servants offices and chasing them?
    Have you forgotten about the money, USD 30 billion which pf borrowed and shared through many unfinished projects?
    Most retirees have been paid. Nakonde Kapiri road is being worked on… which cost of living. Yes fuel is expensive but fo you realise PF left a debt of usd500 million of unpaid bills which UPND has reduced ?
    So which cost of living are you talking about? Look at


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