Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba
Reckless talk by Dr. Nevers Mumba- From the Pulpit to the Puppet
I try hard or shy away to discuss my brother Dr.Nevers Mumba.
My elder brother is a bag of clear missed opportunities. He squanders, wastes, throws away, misses and loses every opportunity that comes his way.
His transition from the pulpit to the political stage quickly exposed his total lack of principles and values that previously earned him people’s admiration and respect.
He deserted the pulpit and formed the National Christian Coalition (NCC) in 1997 and later became a political party, an organisation he traded and sold for a political opportunity. Since then, this has become an established modus operandi, trading party for a morsel of food.
He has demonstrated again and again, how he can abandon personal integrity for a morsel of food, like Esau, he can trade his birthright to his brother Jacob, for a bowl of lentil stew.
Mumba has been priviliged to be a pioneer tv tel-evangelist and Vice President of the Republic of Zambia.
Having attained such a position, he was expected to continue to grow in stature, respect and wisdom. However, he misses the opportunity. He has been too quick to behave like a lowly ranked praise singer and cadre to impress his newly found boss.
For example, how does this talk help the UPND candidate win the Kawambwa by-election?. He sounds like he purposefully decided to sabotage the slim chances of their candidate by engaging in careless and reckless talk.
People across the country are genuinely grieved by the circumstances of Hon. Nixon Chilangwa and Ronald Chitotela. They mirror the pain and anguish of what members of the Opposition are going through.
Many are aware of how the law has been used and abused to fight and jail the two comrades( read the proceedings, circumstances and judgement of Magistrate Martin Namushi).
Many are aware of how lawfare (Lawfare is the use of legal systems and institutions to damage or delegitimize an opponent, or to deter someone from using their legal rights) is being used against members of the Opposition and how tainted the legal processes against members of the Opposition are.
Even legal rights such as police bond and court bail are no longer available for members of the Opposition.
But our outspoken brother doesnt see it.
“It is impossible for those who have once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, who have shared in the Holy Spirit, [5] who have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the coming age [6] and who have fallen away, to be brought back to repentance. To their loss they are crucifying the Son of God all over again and subjecting him to public disgrace”. Hebrew 6:4-6
Anyway, Lesa amupale ba Mumba.
Ignore Mumba, he is a fallen angel.
He is only interested in his stomach.
So let us all vote with our stomachs in 2026.
Vote wisely in 2026.
It is hunger that is causing Nevers praising for crumps. Hunger can cause a respectable person like Ba Mumba to trade principles. To be honest even the guy selling bananas or mangoes pa street can sleep with free mind than what we see from this MAN. In short he resembles Pharisees of the Bible.
Mumba has been a very dishonest fellow throughout his life. From school, pulpit and politics. Let him ask himself how Levy Mwanawasa dropped him as VP and how he was recalled from Canada.
And Mwamba is honest? Iwe be serious. When has Kachepa ever been honest?
Let us be honest and fair here, and please listen to the video, Mr. Nevers Mumba is 100% right in advising against committing crimes. And those fellows were convicted by the Courts of law. So, Emmanuel Mwamba has misdirected himself by attacking Mr. Nevers Mumba.
Mwamba is known for disparaging anyone who holds a different views with him. Mwamba is known as a former MMD cadres .He is a loose canon
Respect the courts Baba not commanders!
Ba Nervous Mumba is right. His message is excellent. Is mind shows of a fair standing man. It’s not necessary all what ba mwamba has written. Let him listen from Pastor Mumbas message and get the simple advice.