Stakeholders and families must take keen interest in these two government programmes; Comprehensive Sexuality Education ( CSE) and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights(SRH&R)

Emmanuel Mwamba

Stakeholders and families must take keen interest in these two government programmes; CSE and SRH&R

By Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba

1. Comprehensive Sexuality Education ( CSE)-this is not your ordinary sexual education. It is a type of sexual education teaches children about other types of gender identities beyond male and female, encourages children to accept this as normal, ordinary and natural occurrence and further encourages acceptance of families that emerge from such gender identities.

In short the CSE firmly embeds the LGBTQ agenda in the sex education. In other jurisdictions children that go through a sense of unease that a person may have because of an allege mismatch between their biological sex and their gender identity are quickly drafted in programmes to later change their biological identities through taking hormones and surgery.

2. Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights-targeting children and adolescents.The term ‘Sexual and Reproductive Health’ can be defined as a person’s right to a healthy body and the autonomy, education and healthcare to help avoid unintended pregancies or sexually transmitted diseases.

But the LGBTQ movement has hijacked this agenda to turn Sexual and Reproductive Health and turned into a campaign for human rights which should include children’s and adolescents’ “rights” to; freely decide who to have sex with( including same sex), how to obtain contraceptives and have access to “safe abortions” and post abortion care, as a human right! What this means is that, as a case of human rights, children and adolescents must have access to sex, contraceptives and abortions without parental or guardian consent and without legal and other barriers.

I have over the years engaged policy experts and leaders at both the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education who implement these two programmes.

Despite their assurances that the programmes are implemented taking into account Zambia’s legal, cultural, traditional and religious sensitivities, this is different from programmes and activities carried out on the ground….for Comprehensive Sexuality Education( CSE) and Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights(SRH&R) were deliberately designed to achieve exactly that…accept homosexuality, free sex and promiscuity, and have access to health services that emerge from such a new society.

These two programmes enjoy large amounts of funding from cooperating partners and agencies and it is extremely difficult to fight a push back to preserve our tradition,culture, religious and legal status.

It’s therefore good to see the Catholic Bishops opposing such material in their mission schools.


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