By Musamba Barbrah Chama
The Importance of Embracing Diversity in Political Parties
In a world that is increasingly divided, it is more important than ever for political parties to embrace diversity. This includes diversity of thought, opinion, and background. It also includes diversity of ability.
People with different abilities bring a wealth of perspectives and experiences to the table. They can challenge us to think differently and to see the world in new ways. They can also help us to connect with a wider range of voters.
For example, a person with a physical disability may have insights into the challenges faced by people with disabilities. A person with a mental illness may have insights into the challenges faced by people with mental illness. And a person with a learning disability may have insights into the challenges faced by people with learning disabilities.
By embracing people with different abilities, political parties can ensure that they are representing the needs of all members of society. This can help them to build stronger relationships with voters and to develop more effective policies.
Of course, not everyone will agree with every decision that a political party makes. But by embracing diversity, political parties can create a more inclusive and welcoming environment for everyone. This can help to build trust and understanding, and it can make political parties more effective in achieving their goals.
In the case of Chellah Tukuta, his “folly” may not be seen as a valuable asset to the UPND, but it helped and still is helpful to a party where people are not ready to defend its Leaders. His willingness to defend his boss, even in an unappealing way, shows that he is a loyal and committed member of the party. He is also not afraid to speak his mind, even if it is not what others want to hear.
This type of loyalty and outspokenness can be a valuable asset in politics. It can help a party to stay united in the face of adversity, and it can help to ensure that the party’s message is heard.
The story of Chairman Mao and the sparrows is a cautionary tale about the dangers of intolerance. When we exclude people from our society, we not only harm them, but we also harm our Party. We lose out on their unique perspectives and contributions.
Not too long ago, the Party were up in arms against, the “Fimba Upoke” duo who volunteered to defend the party against PF propaganda and create a positive image around the President by constantly referring to him as ” Umufyashi Wamano ” translated as a wise Leader.
The guys were so consistent that an image was created. People that have not been useful to the party opted to quench this fire and after their silence, nobody is doing it leaving a very big room for the PF propaganda machinists to operate. Tiktok is now on fire because the people we fought as a party created a trend that is working in pushing the “Alebwelelapo” agenda.
In a world that is increasingly complex and interconnected, we need to be more open to diversity than ever before. By embracing people with different abilities, we can build stronger and more resilient communities.