Below is the true reason why Irene Lungu doesn’t want the newly appointed Principal Public Relations Officers while she is enjoying a similar job at government institution (ZAFFICO).
Irene Lungu is a daughter to former President Edgar Lungu’s brother who was handpicked by the PF in May 2021 to be president of the defunct Zambia Institute of Public Relations and Communications (ZIPRC).
She was singlehandedly and finder picked to manage all Public Relations Officers and Journalists both in private and government in order to push a PF narrative of Alebwelelapo.
As a result, she was rewarded a lucrative job as a Public Relations officer for the government agency called ZAFFICO.
Before being taken to ZAFFICO by the PF, she was singlehandedly employed by PF and planted at ZEMA to ensure that illegal mining in the Lower Zambezi is done. She was daily working with Mikalile who is an ardent agent and front of Edgar Lungu.
Therefore, to think that such a human being can embrace President Hakainde Hichilema’s UPND vision and appointees to spearhead communication development is day dreaming.
If Irene Lungu has a bit of brains, she should have been enticing all the Public Relations Officers in the public and private sector to join her institution the Zambia Institute of Public Relations and Communication (ZIPRC) which she is turning into a moribund bicycle for siphoning membership fees.
Apparently, we are reliably informed that Edgar Lungu’s daughter Irene Lungu is objecting and condemning the the appointment of Principal Public Relations Officers across all Ministries and Provinces appointed by the UPND administration. This is understood! She has no morals. She is PF. Her blood is PF. She is loyal to PF and Lungu except enjoying the sweat of UPND.
The current PF Public Relations officers in ministries have refused to implement the UPND vision and instead they have been sabotaging and leaking information to their masters who employed them as loyal guards. This is why their Ministries have deliberately been loudly quiet.

And it is only justifiable that the UPND government after 3 years of being in office should employ their own loyal people to implement its vision as opposed to watching things being run down by a clique of PF cronies who Irene Lungu wants to continue sabotaging the UPND government.
The following is the disgraced leadership of her moribund PF and Edgar Lungu led ZIPRC.
President – Irene Lungu
Secretary – Sibonele Jere
Vice Secretary – Judith Tembo
Treasurer – Sunday Nyirenda
Committee – Vaida Njobvu
Committee – Kwali Mfuni
Committee – Daniel Banda
Source: Koswe
They will do anything to divide the country these people.
Vote wisely in 2026.
This story does not make any sense at all. It’s just a made up story full of hate and tribalism. This tribalism by Upnd will come back haunt you especially soon as you are booted out of power. And you will suffer very much, because other tribes won’t want to be any close to you. This is how bad things are, Hichilema and his Upnd have divided the country never seen before. They are enjoying now, but when things turn against them, it will be very bad for them.
We understand your deep grief and misery after the tragic loss of your lifeline in 2021. you are so stricken by bitterness that you can’t even see the naked tribalism you are rumbling about in this article. Or is it about the emperor’s new suit you see about the Lungu dynasty? I wish you quick recovery from your bitterness and a speedy return to reality – that Lungu and his PF now belong to the political dustbin.
You tribalists. You thought you cud continue with yr tribal agenda. Move, we want to work as UPND govt. Look at the list of members of this ZIPRC. You shud b ashamed. Slowly you will be shrinking one by one. Methodical fights on , and if you think the future still holds smth for PF, you better think twice.
Kkkkkk. 2026 bola naikosa.
But you’re the greatest dog to have ever lived
Can’t you see the tribalism in this board appointed by your Defunct TuPF criminals daughter of Lungu?
President – Irene Lungu
Secretary – Sibonele Jere
Vice Secretary – Judith Tembo
Treasurer – Sunday Nyirenda
Committee – Vaida Njobvu
Committee – Kwali Mfuni
Committee – Daniel Banda
Vote wisely vote for HH7 in 2026/31