The Tumbuka people, an ethnic group primarily inhabiting the eastern part of Zambia and northern Malawi, possess a unique cultural trait deeply rooted in their interactions and communication. They have a distinctive predisposition not to discourage or demotivate others from reaching their desired destinations. This characteristic is manifested through a common practice among the Tumbuka people where they tend to provide optimistic responses, even if the actual distance or time to a particular destination is significantly farther or longer than indicated.
When engaging with a Tumbuka person, it is advisable to avoid directly asking if you are nearing your destination, as the expected response will invariably be “Mwafika kale,” which translates to “You have already arrived” or “You are very close.” Regardless of the actual distance remaining, the Tumbuka people have a cultural inclination to inspire hope and instill a sense of encouragement rather than discouragement.
You will often here things like “Pala Mwajumpha waka muzi uyu mbwenu ndiko kuti mwafika, Mwamuyambuka waka ka dambo bwe kusilya waka” ( Just after this village you will reach your destination, you just need to cross the river then you are there). What you may not know is that you still have a distance to cover.
If you inquire about the distance to your destination from your current location, a Tumbuka person would typically respond by first inquiring about your point of origin. (Imwe Mwafuma Nkhu?) This is because the Tumbuka people often consider the progress made in relation to where a journey began, emphasizing the positive aspect of how far you have already come. Subsequently, they are inclined to inform you that your destination is “just around the corner,” even if it may not be immediately within sight.
This practice reflects the Tumbuka people’s deeply rooted values of hospitality, optimism, and empathy. By responding in such a manner, they aim to foster a positive mindset and maintain a supportive environment for individuals on their journeys, regardless of the challenges they may face or the actual distance remaining. This cultural inclination to provide optimistic responses contributes to the Tumbuka people’s reputation for being warm, encouraging, and considerate toward others.
The motivation behind this cultural practice can be traced back to the Tumbuka people’s traditional belief systems, which emphasize communal support and unity. By offering words of encouragement, the Tumbuka people seek to motivate and uplift individuals, promoting a collective sense of achievement and shared progress. This cultural norm also helps to maintain a positive atmosphere within their communities, reinforcing the belief that every individual’s success is interconnected and should be celebrated.
It is important to note that this cultural practice should be understood within its specific context and not be misconstrued as misleading or dishonest. The Tumbuka people’s intention is not to deceive or provide inaccurate information; rather, their aim is to offer support, maintain a positive outlook, and foster a sense of community solidarity.
So remember next time you are in the Tumbuka land heading somewhere, ask not how far you are, just ask if you are still on the correct route
By Charles Banda
📸 Mwizenge Tembo