Two men have been sentenced to death by the High court sitting in Kasungu for allegedly abducting and killing a baby with albinism.
The two who were found guilty for the murder of a 1-year-old and 11 months baby with albinism are identified as White Chilumpha (father to the deceased) and James Kanjira.
The sentence was handed down by Judge Ivy Kamanga on Friday, September 18, 2020 in Kasungu.
On the night of April 3, 2016, a 1 year and 11 months old baby girl with albinism, Whitney Chilumpha was abducted while sleeping with her mother in their home in Chiziya village which is under the area of Traditional Authority Kapichira in the district.
On April 15, 2016, baby Whitney’s skull, teeth and clothes were discovered in the bush of Balantha hill in the same area of Traditional Authority Kapichira.
After intensive enquires and gathering enough intelligence, police arrested the father of the child, White Chilumpha, 30 and James Kanjira, 23 as prime suspects.
In the course of investigations, Police also recovered bones which the suspects had removed from the baby.
After full hearing of the case the two were found guilty as charged and Judge Ivy Kamanga sentenced the two to death.
The same court also sentenced Laston Phiri, 24 to go to jail for 10 years for being an accomplice in the murdering of Whitney Chilumpha.“`