Don’t worry ba Mbewe ka Sampa kalaba apapene kale fukama kuli Edgar Lungu ati njeleleni ko. I wish he had not been admitted back to PF. Problem akwata Sampa ku temwisha indalama. So apa pena he thinks he’s very clever buy he has just shown his bad habits, money-monger, power-hungry, crook, no respect for the courts, very selfish, very greedy, no respect for laws of the land, born destroyer, big traitor, very useless etc! So who want such a person to rule Zambia. Good Sampa has tarnished his image so well so he will never make it to be president of this country. In any case people should first ask themselves, “am presidential material . . . ?”. Sampa is not!
Don’t worry ba Mbewe ka Sampa kalaba apapene kale fukama kuli Edgar Lungu ati njeleleni ko. I wish he had not been admitted back to PF. Problem akwata Sampa ku temwisha indalama. So apa pena he thinks he’s very clever buy he has just shown his bad habits, money-monger, power-hungry, crook, no respect for the courts, very selfish, very greedy, no respect for laws of the land, born destroyer, big traitor, very useless etc! So who want such a person to rule Zambia. Good Sampa has tarnished his image so well so he will never make it to be president of this country. In any case people should first ask themselves, “am presidential material . . . ?”. Sampa is not!
Seeing PF guys lamenting for the first time is actually gratifying and is better than watching mpali on Zambezi Magic