VIDEO: Teacher Recruitment in a mess in North-Western Province



  1. The cry of the people of Zambezi and elsewhere is genuine. The UPND was voted into power to improve things. The truth be told the president’s pronouncements to fight corruption is only on paper and oral pronouncements. What is prevailing on the ground does not concur with the political will from the president of fighting injustice and corruption.

    Political will is not done through political pronouncements but it should be seen to be effectively implemented. The people complaining about the rampant corruption should not be demonised or be seen as the enemies of UPND but those who are bringing out critical issues and observations are the ones who love the president and government in power. If the president wants to see and establish the truth for instance let him engage independent institutions to carry out investigations on the alleged corruption.
    For instance, the recent Zambia Police recruitments at Lilayi Police College, Kamfinsa Mobile Unit and Paramilitary Unit were a total mess. In Lilaya Police it is known fact that the corrupt police command incharge of recruitment were collecting amounts of money ranging from K15,000.00 to K20, 000.00 for someone to be enlisted for training. Even police officers whose children were left out during the recruitment are complaining silently for fear of victimisation and fear of being punished. The corruption in the UPND is worse than it was in the PF.

    When people to talk the wise should listen and act than insulting those reporting acts of evil. The president is being deceived just as the former president Edgar Chagwa Lungu was also deceived by his praise singers and inner circle.

    What the UPND government should know is that people voted out the PF because they wanted things to improve and the yardstick for the performance of the UPND is not PF performance but what the UPND party promised to accomplish and deliver. The government recruitments especially in police has been poorly done and corruption is rampant. If the government is disputing let them go to police camps and verify what am saying?

    The president has very good intentions but trash and garbage in the civil service is undermining the good intentions of the president. The problem is where to report cases of abuse, mismanagement and corruption as those offices have barriers.

    The government should be seen to fulfill, protect and uphold human rights.

  2. The cry of the people of Zambezi and elsewhere is genuine. The UPND was voted into power to improve things. The truth be told the president’s pronouncements to fight corruption is only on paper and oral pronouncements. What is prevailing on the ground does not concur with the political will from the president of fighting injustice and corruption.

    Political will is not done through political pronouncements but it should be seen to be effectively implemented. The people complaining about the rampant corruption should not be demonised or be seen as the enemies of UPND but those who are bringing out critical issues and observations are the ones who love the president and government in power. If the president wants to see and establish the truth for instance let him engage independent institutions to carry out investigations on the alleged corruption.
    For instance, the recent Zambia Police recruitments at Lilayi Police College, Kamfinsa Mobile Unit and Paramilitary Unit were a total mess. In Lilaya Police it is known fact that the corrupt police command incharge of recruitment were collecting amounts of money ranging from K15,000.00 to K20, 000.00 for someone to be enlisted for training. Even police officers whose children were left out during the recruitment are complaining silently for fear of victimisation and fear of being punished. The corruption in the UPND is worse than it was in the PF.

    When people to talk the wise should listen and act than insulting those reporting acts of evil. The president is being deceived just as the former president Edgar Chagwa Lungu was also deceived by his praise singers and inner circle.

    What the UPND government should know is that people voted out the PF because they wanted things to improve and the yardstick for the performance of the UPND is not PF performance but what the UPND party promised to accomplish and deliver. The government recruitments especially in police has been poorly done and corruption is rampant. If the government is disputing let them go to police camps and verify what am saying?

    The president has very good intentions but trash and garbage in the civil service is undermining the good intentions of the president. The problem is where to report cases of abuse, mismanagement and corruption as those offices have barriers.

    The government should be seen to fulfill, protect and uphold human rights.

  3. Why even talk about reasons of voting for who in this matter.The employing authority should give priority to those who live in the area because we have seen those employed from towns leave the rural with reasons like medical ground,marital and so on.The rural people are aquinted with rural situation.It’s like the story of the lipsticks and the beads period.

  4. Why even talk about reasons of voting for who in this matter.The employing authority should give priority to those who live in the area because we have seen those employed from towns leave the rural with reasons like medical ground,marital and so on.The rural people are aquinted with rural situation.It’s like the story of the lipsticks and the beads period.

  5. What’s most surprising is that the Minister of Education is quiet, saying nothing about this serious issue.
    There is no reaction or action from the ministry that has 2 Permanent Secretaries. Who does the responsible Minister expect to respond or react? Is the the president to take responsibility when the minister is there seated ndwii?
    The minister and his team have gone stale and is being irresponsible. This is where you need action oriented people like Sylvia Masebo. That woman would have already taken action and I know it. Parallels are there.
    Masebo took immediate action only yesterday when Supervisors attempted to manipulate the recruitment of volunteer health workers. She even slept at Heros to ensure everything went on well.
    But look at the mess going on in Education and the minister and his 2 PSs are quiet, doing nothing! They dont even have shame.
    Why HH doesn’t reshuffle pack is still a mystery to me. The Education minister is a serious let down. People are crying for help and their cries are falling on deaf ears! We need action, Mr President. For christ’s sake, the action needed doesn’t cost money!!! HH please fire some of your non performing ministers! Shakalima and team are not performing! This is rubbish .

  6. What’s most surprising is that the Minister of Education is quiet, saying nothing about this serious issue.
    There is no reaction or action from the ministry that has 2 Permanent Secretaries. Who does the responsible Minister expect to respond or react? Is the the president to take responsibility when the minister is there seated ndwii?
    The minister and his team have gone stale and is being irresponsible. This is where you need action oriented people like Sylvia Masebo. That woman would have already taken action and I know it. Parallels are there.
    Masebo took immediate action only yesterday when Supervisors attempted to manipulate the recruitment of volunteer health workers. She even slept at Heros to ensure everything went on well.
    But look at the mess going on in Education and the minister and his 2 PSs are quiet, doing nothing! They dont even have shame.
    Why HH doesn’t reshuffle pack is still a mystery to me. The Education minister is a serious let down. People are crying for help and their cries are falling on deaf ears! We need action, Mr President. For christ’s sake, the action needed doesn’t cost money!!! HH please fire some of your non performing ministers! Shakalima and team are not performing! This is rubbish .


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