By Beatrice Chabaya

Some lacunas in the Constitution can lead us to a situation where we could have no general election for eight years, that’s not a joke, says President Hakainde Hichilema.

The President said when he opened the 4th session of the 13th National Assembly today that he is not sure what the intentions of those who signed on “that Constitution” were.

He said his administration is committed to addressing lacunas in the Constitution.

“This government is committed to facilitate a least cost, efficient and credible process to address lacunas, omissions, or oversights so to say in our constitution. So we are looking at this house, under your leadership Madam speaker to be supportive of the process that will be least cost, that will be time conscious, that will not lead to allowances and more Allowances and sittings and more sittings, that will not do, absolutely not. After all, some of your constituencies are too big,” he said.

“After all, I don’t understand the wisdom how members of parliament were taken out of the council chambers, after all, some lacunas can lead us to a situation where we could have no general election for eight years, that’s not a joke! Yes, we could have no elections for eight or nine years, those lacunas sit in the constitution, so those who designed or signed on that constitution, I am not sure what they were intending to do.”

©️ Zambia Reports, September 13, 2024.


  1. What is this rubbish this conman is saying now?

    We never should have voted for this man.

    Who gives him these warped ideas?

    If the constitution needs changing, let us change it after this one is out of office. That is the only fair way. Otherwise we will be stuck with this impotent conman for another 20 years.

    Vote wisely in 2026.

    • Oh so indeed there human dogs? You are one Indigo Tyrol. Only a canine man can be brain dead. You even know some of those lacunas and lawyers are sweating in courts trying to fathom which is which. Lungu’s case in court is one.

      So Indigo Tyrol do you live Zambia as a citizen or you are an Ilunga or Kabuya from Congo disguised as a Zambian? Because I cannot understand you. On this forum you are the only black sheep seeing negatives even in obvious issues as long as it’s from HH. Are you jealous like your father and God Lungu who amassed $700 million from looting tax payers’ money and cooperating partners’ financial aid???

      Chill man, tone down. This man you seem to have the propensity to flog at every drop of a hat did not even want to join politics since he was already rich but the looters, pillagers, thieves in sheep’s clothing caused him to come to out aid.

      Instead of sjamboking him, thank God that he brought him in. Imagine those hyenas bene gunyu masaka, given lubinda, Spax Mulenga, Kampyongo etc rule you for 20 years….can you even have a country called Zambia??? Muletasha!!!! Zambians????

  2. No ways Hakainde. You won’t mess around with our constitution. The people of Zambia will take you on. Have the Lacunae just appeared when you are President? The Church, and I mean the Catholic Church, the Oasis Forum, and Political parties, and independent Civil Society Organizations, see through what this man is saying… Zambia has a battle on its hands.
    No select Praise Thugs will mess around with our constitution… Take note Hakainde. The people of Zambia will take you on.

    • Please read article 52(6) of the 2026 amended constitution of Zambia before you embarrass yourself on matters you clearly have no understanding.

    • Imwe na imwe. Do you sleep with Indigo Tyrol??? Or are you a grade two and you don’t know what a lacuna is? Of course our constitution is very sick because it was meant to leave escape room for the incumbents. Just read it. You don’t even need civil society, the clergy etc to read it for you. JUST READ IT FOR YOURSELF AND SHUT THE F*** UP!!!

  3. This man dies not understand how government operates. He can not change the constitution alone, and nobody will allow him to change the constitution for selfish ends! Unless he wants people to rise, let him not touch the constitution. He has failed to rule, let him just call for early elections otherwise he may asking for too much from Zambians. This is just nonsense he is talking about. Infact nobody wants him to continue ruling Zambia. He’s a total and complete failure! Tamwaba amano aba

  4. No mwaiche kuti amona ati ifyo bale landa ba president tafi kwete amano! Since when has a president changed the constitution! Whatever Hichilema does , whatever tricks , Zambians are determined to boot him out, come 2026! Let him just call for early elections instead of dreaming of 9 years! We want him out, now!

  5. I can clearly see that most PF supporter needs some basic education because they lack understanding even on simple things. Please use your heads not your emotions when talking about important national issues. Does anyone remember what happened in Kabushi and Kwacha constituencies after the resignation of the nominated candidates during the parliamentary by election in 2022? Article 52 (6) of the 2016 constitution states that Where a candidate dies, resigns or becomes disqualified in accordance with Article 70, 100 or 153 or a court disqualifies a candidate for corruption or malpractice, after the close of nominations and before the election date, the Electoral Commission shall cancel the election and require the filing of fresh nominations by eligible candidates and elections shall be held within thirty days of the filing of the fresh nominations. Now imagine you have 30 candidates who withdraw just a few days before elections, that will be 900 days (over 2 years of postponing elections). Surely doesn’t an issue require to be attended to before someone with evil intentions capitalize this constitutional gap? And president HH never said he would amend the constitution alone but he highlighted that it need to be attended to but even such a simple statement seem to confuse some people who see black where there white.

  6. School is important. I see dimwits on this forum seeing murder in what the president said about our grade two constitution. It’s as if there were no competent lawyers when it was written. So many lacunas and loop holes and thieves and foreigners have benefitted some even managing to rule this country when they knew all along they are aliens like Mtawali, RB, Michael Sara, “CHILUBA” kafupi (stealing Frederick Chiluba’s Papers), KK (killing Kapwepwe the true Zambian) now even Kalimanshi the Congolese will want to rule in future. The whole thing needs re-writing. HH is right. We need 10 years to make that thing sir and water tight so that even corruption can disappear forever because in it’s current state even prima facie cases like Malanji’s will take years when under a sound constitution he is supposed to be teeth-grinding in a cold jail!!! JJ wouldn’t have escaped as a sound constitution would have made sure when he urinated in a fellow human being’s mouth, Mtawali was not going to protect him simply because they both hail from Malawi. Rest my case for now.

  7. You remember one Ivorian President Bagbo woken up in a vest and his wife in a night dress when Ivorians decided they had had enough of him?We do not want African President wanting to cling on to power after abusing their people ending up like this.

  8. Use ways munzi! Leave KK out of your sh..mouth! Who told you KK killed Kapwepwe??
    Bring the evidence! No one is a so called true Zambian here. Everyone came from somewhere. Read your history… that’s if you can even read!!


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