“We have recovered $25 million dollars from one person alone”- President HH


ASSORTED properties valued at over K100 million and cash amounting to US$30.8 million have been forfeited to the State, President Hakainde Hichilema has revealed.

The Head of State also disclosed the government has further recovered US$25 million from one individual alone.

President Hichilema said there is no place for ethnicity, region, or political affiliation in the fight against corruption, adding that ‘two vehicles’ were recently forfeited to the State.

Speaking during the official opening of the Fourth Session of the 13th National Assembly, the President warned that the fight against corruption and asset recovery has gained momentum.

“You will see more; this is just the tip of the iceberg. It’s in the public domain, didn’t we seize a motor vehicle just two days ago? We did, we did, we did,” he said, amid cheers from the Members of Parliament.

Additionally, K56.6 million has been seized as part of the government’s ongoing anti-corruption efforts.

President Hichilema reiterated the government’s zero-tolerance policy on corruption and assured that all suspected cases are being thoroughly investigated and prosecuted in accordance with the law.

“I wish to indicate that asset recovery is an integral part of the fight against corruption. In the last few months alone, through asset recovery efforts, assorted properties worth over K100 million, cash totaling US$30.8 million, and an additional K56.6 million have been forfeited to the State. We are restoring value to the rightful owners, the citizens of Zambia,” he said.

The President also highlighted the government’s progress in the fight against corruption, pointing to the launch of a revised national anti-corruption policy earlier this year.

President Hichilema explained that the policy guides legal and institutional reforms aimed at strengthening anti-corruption measures.

In addition to his remarks on corruption, President Hichilema addressed the constitutional reform process, stating his administration’s commitment to facilitating a cost-effective, efficient, and credible process.

He acknowledged that despite substantial work done in the past, Zambia has yet to reach a consensus on the national constitution.

“As a country, we still need to reform our constitutional order to ensure that it truly reflects the aspirations of all citizens. The new dawn UPND government, given the substantial work that has been done in the past, is committed to facilitating a least-cost, efficient, and credible process,” the President said.

(Mwebantu, Friday, September 13th, 2024)


  1. Name the ministers who are being investigated for corruption.
    If you become like Lungu and PF then you are a one term government

  2. More lies from the conman.

    Why have we not heard any court judgements regarding this “one” individual?

    He thinks citizens are like his cows which do not question nonsense.

    Vote wisely in 2026.

  3. More than that will be recovered from your people (US $100 million from one person), and from several individuals, since you have set a precedent!

    • Mandanda kuti uko you permanent PF idiot you think Zambia nimunda wanyoko iwe? Abash guntrotting and Panga Wielding PF criminals forever

  4. My humble appeal to all of you posting on social media is fo consider to avoid insults. Our children are reading these things or they will read them one day. How will they look at you? Will you be able to advise them to behave well when you yourselves are not?
    We can still express our opinions in a very gentle manner. Remember, we are the Zambians that the world praises for being peaceful.
    We are one and only speak different languages.
    We are one and only see things differently.
    We are one and only differ in the way we look at things in terms of short term and long term solutions.
    Let’s support progressive ideas and not Kawalala nzelu.

  5. Everyone knows who it is except Edgar Lungu, Emmanuel Mwamba and Raphael Nakacinda. Why he drew out that much money from a company which was allegedly in liquidation, I do not get it. Who negotiated his remuneration?Why’s there no complaint to the Law Association of Zambia? Unfortunately, it seems no one is asking these questions. So who’s to be trusted?


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