12 universities and 12 colleges to benefit free books once government compensates me- Dr Chris Zimba

Dr. Chris Zumani Zimba

12 universities and 12 colleges to benefit free books once government compensates me

By Dr Chris Zimba

…In 2023, the State consented to pay 10 million to a group of 10 UPND cadres who were accused of burning Lusaka City Market in 2017, with each getting K1 million for false imprisonment and malicious prosecution. In like manner, the State agreed to pay more than K32 million to 5 UPND cadres for malicious detention and prosecution in the HH’s treason of 2017; each getting K6.4 million. Such compensations for UPND cadres have become fashionable and common practice ever since with some cabinet ministers, senior ruling party officials all getting the baptism of free tax payer’s money. Recently, the state gave out K10 million to 17 UPND cadres for similar reasons. And more UPND cadres are waiting state compensations…

Our lawyers are still in court as the DPP and Attorney General’s offices are behaving either politically partisan, ethically compromised, professionally conflicted or under a strong Community House spell of phobia over our straightforward compensation. But I am not worried because that money is coming our way sooner or later. Look, I don’t see anybody on earth stopping it successfully because heaven already awarded it to us on the merit of malicious arrest, detention, prosecution and false imprisonment for months last year.

Therefore, when and not if I am compensated by the state (it’s a matter of time) following my malicious and political arrest, detention, prosecution and false imprisonment last year, l will prioritise to find the right printing firm in order to professionally publish all my 14 books. From 2011 to date, l have published 8 books while 6 are finished manuscripts all waiting huge resources to print in mass numbers and distribute widely.

Once I am compensated by the state and print my books when that time comes, l will donate 10 copies of each book to 12 universities as well as 12 colleges in Zambia. This means that each of the beneficiary institutions will receive not less than 140 books in my name. In total, my donations in form of books will benefit 24 higher learning institutions in this country totaling to a minimum of 3,360 Chris ZUMANI Zimba authored books. What will be the money value of these book donations?

If we take K500 as the average price for each of the 14 books, it means l will be donating K70,000 per institution. This will translate into more than K1,650,000 for 24 Zambian universities and colleges. This is the minimum of what l am intending to support in form of useful and critical political knowledge to Zambia in form of books once and when l am compensated.

When you receive huge sums of money at a go like the compensations the state is showering on their UPND cadres like manna, you must create a plan for generous giving and community charity support. Humanly speaking, it is important to find passion in your heart to help others in needy from a point of having so much. But our “well compensated and rich” UPND cadres are doing the opposite as they only vomit and show greediness, arrogance and selfishness so far!

The following are my 14 political and academic books waiting mass print and distribution once I am compensated by the government:

1. ‘‘Chimbokaila Freedom Manifesto: 12 Pillars and 144 Points of How to Create a Better, United, Inclusive, Equitable, Prosperous and Happier Zambia for Proud and Equal Citizens’’, 2024

2. “Blessings of Federal and Parliamentary Governments Versus Curses of Unitary and Presidential Systems: How Africa Can Reduce Political Tribalism, Regionalism, Nepotism, Civil Conflicts and Bloody Wars”, 2024

3. ‘‘Do Not Stone. Crucify or Kill Them: A Christian and Traditional Justice System in Modernizing Zambia for Adulterers, Prostitutes, Defilers, Rapists and Homosexuals’’, 2024

4. ‘‘Talking Sexual Attraction and Marriage: Why Monogamy and Polygamy are Morally Better and Universally Practiced Than Homosexuality’’, 2023

5. “Wars, Tears and Scares of American Plutocracy and Global Imperialism: Why Africa needs Longer Term Presidents, Monarch Democracies, Sub Regional Federalism and a Continental State”, 2023

6. “Opportunities and challenges of democratic practices at Kingdom level: The case of Nzamane, Mazimabi and Kapatamoyo Chiefdoms of Ngoni Land in Eastern Zambia”-A PhD Thesis, 2021

7. “Applied Public Policy and Good Governance at National, Regional and Global Level”, 2016

8. “The Fundamentals of Political Science and International Relations: A Student Hand Book”, 2016

9. “20 Reasons why a Parliamentary Democratic System is better for Africa than a Presidential System”, 2015

10. “A Christian Nation in a Brothel State for Drunkards, Superstitious and Corrupt Citizens”, 2014

11. “The World’s Competing Trinity Political and Electoral Systems: Totalitarian, Authoritarian and Democracy”, 2013

12. Multiple Democracies: The Impact of Religion on Global Democracy Promotion: The case of Zambia, Egypt and Taiwan”,-MA Thesis, 2012

13. “Redemocratisation of the Continent: Understanding 50 Golden Rules on how Africa’s democracy can be revived, made to work, consolidated and sustained in the 21st century and beyond”, 2011

14. “Democracy Under Attack: Understanding the History, Current Status, Key Challenges and Core Threats to the Consolidation, Work ability and Survival of Democracy in Africa” , 2011

In the book of Numbers 23:19-20, the Bible is very clear and assertive on God’s promise to us as follows: “God is not human, that he should lie, not a human being, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill? I have received a command to bless; he has blessed, and I cannot change it”.

So, let Levy Ngoma or Christopher Mundia present this word from God before President HH’s table today!

The author is a political scientist, researcher, author and consultant specialised in Comparative Global Governance and Democratic Theories. He holds a PhD, MA, BA and Cert in Political Science. Dr Zimba was president Edgar Lungu’s political advisor from December 2019 to August 2021. By philosophical approach, he is a Pan Africanist as well as Afro-Christian by religion.

Email: chriszumaniZimba.cz@gmail.com


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