Lunte Member of Parliament Hon. Mutotwe Kafwaya wrote:::::


Since my unfair suspension from the National Assembly of Zambia, for seven sitting days for raising a point of order, I have spent some time studying the 2024 Supplementary Estimates of Expenditure No. 1 of 2024.

I have found that this is one of the most embarrassing and conceptually wrong documents that the UPND government has produced and caused it’s approval by the National Assembly since they formed government in 2021.

Why do I think it’s embarrassing?

The UPND government sought an additional expenditure amounting to ZMW41,916,400,133.00 for the financial year ending 2024. Since Expenditure is equal to Income or vice versa, this implies that government had to source the same amount in additional revenue to achieve this level of expenditure.

But a closer look at the summary of revenues shows that government would only generate additional revenue of ZMW3,770,296,000.00 to support the above stated expenditure requirements. Additional revenue to be generated by government in the Supplementary Estimates stood at only 9% of the required expenditure. This means that 91% of that requirement was going to arise from sources other than additional revenue, such as borrowing and funds from donors. This is extremely embarrassing to the people of Zambia.

Government cannot show such levels of national inability as to depend on borrowing and donor support for 91% of its expenditure requirements. This is below par. This is should embarrass every Zambian.

The Supplementary Estimates which was presented to the National Assembly was conceptually wrong. I do not understand why the UPND government would present such a wrong document to the peoples house for approval. Under the summary of income, government present an amount of ZMW17,222,532,379.00 as Savings Declared Across Heads.

I see a lot of conceptual issues in this declaration. Here are the two or three of them;

(a) If this amount is arising from declared savings from the original budget, why has government included it for appropriation in the Supplementary Estimates when the amount was already appropriated in the original Estimates. Which law allows UPND to appropriate the same amount twice in one year? And such a significant amount for goodness sake.

(b) If the UPND really wanted this amount to appear in the Supplementary Estimates, why didn’t they remove it from the original Appropriation Act by amending it to ensure completeness of transactions. What UPND has done in this regard, reminds me of what we used to call single entry transactions – it’s incomplete!

(c) In the face of transparency and accountability, tell me how the UPND can make declared saving of ZMW17.2BN without producing a schedule showing exactly which heads have been affected in coming up with those savings? This might be a scheme for something more than savings declarations. And time is certainly going to tell.

My conclusion on this matter is that this Supplementary Estimate No. 1 of 2024 is grossly overstated by the illegally double counted declared saving. I wonder whether this was deliberate or not. In an institution where there are accountants and economists, such a misstatement is unacceptable.

Zambia is at its worst ever in terms of accountability and transparency – but if we listen to each other, we can reclaim it to what accountable and transparent it used to be.



  1. Bitterness all the way. Lekani basebenze, your contributions to debate in parliament and outside have never added value to Zambians. I hope your constituency people are seeing that you are just a loud mouth waiting for your hefty tax free gratuity.

  2. When UKA says its wrong, know for sure that it is right; When UKA says it has no impact, know for sure that it is very impactful; When UKA says it is black, know for sure that it is white. That is how weird these guys are.

  3. You ran down the economy to nothing left in the government coffers due to your corruption. You are not the right person to talk about money issues. You put our money in your pockets and you built mansions all over Zambia. We shall follow you together with your ECL before 2026 he shall account for plundering our economy. Childish Kafwaya just shut your mouth. Zambians follow you PF chaps in parliament. All of you are just childish. You and Binwell are the worst.

  4. Why not contribute and raise the issue in Parliament? Is it honourable of you to raise issues or matters that you can raise in Parliament to the public? Do your job with your peers instead of seeking public empthy and misleading the Public. That is why you debate issues. Besides UPND can not rail road the issue as it doesnt have the numbers. Just grandstanding and making noise.
    Critical Thought and emotional intelligence palibe

  5. Ba kafwaya, has not accepted the loss and change of government.Thats why in behavioural management book the topic on change is the longest.Change has resistance and fear is in there.Mr kafwaya needs counseling.He has been opposing a lot of things the UPND have done.I doubt if he supported CDF,KA NAPSA,FREE EDUCATION,MEAL ALLOWANCES FOR STUDENTS,MILITAY RECRUITMENT,NURSES AND DOCTOR,TEACHERS,QUICK PAYMENT OF RETIREES,CDF SKILLS TRAINING, and the list is endless.On radios I have heard him several times criticize nealy all.

  6. Sometimes friends you should have respect for experts. This is not PF or UKA talking but Hon. Mutotwe kafwaya who is a chartered management accountant and definitely he knows numbers better than most of you. Yourselves you can’t surely see the mistake in this supplementary butget. Aparr from what MK has said even a revenuè line called financing with zmw16bn does not make any sense. What does it mean financing? Let us be sober zambia is for all of us

    • Have you seen the full document? This over realiance of people and their certificates is also wrong.
      What the MP has shown us is one page of a document. Are we also suppose to believe that is all this document contains? Let him present his complaint and view as part of his debate against the bill? Why debate with us. Have we seen the document?
      Lets not seek public support but do our work in Parliament. Having a piece of paper saying we are qualified doesnt make us the wisest. Qualifications just say we passed an exam. Doesnt SETembo have ACCA infact he even says he is a fellow of the Profession. Does his utterance exmplify what his piece of suggests?


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