Stephen Kampyongo.

Home Affairs Minister Stephen Kampyongo has attempted to justify the shooting of innocent people by police and military forces in the wake of violent protest arising from gassing incidents.

It has emerged that the police and military officers are working on a Shoot to Kill policy as ordered by President Edgar Lungu in an attempt to quell the violence.

Mr Kampyongo told Parliament on Friday that those that have died as a result of police and military shooting are part of collateral damage.

Mr Kampyongo said although 46 people have died as a result of mob killings from the gassing activities, it is difficult to ascertain how many have died as a result of police shooting.

“Mr Speaker, those that have died are what is called Collateral Damage. When you are protecting public peace and property, there will be collateral damage,” Mr Kampyongo said.

He said communities where becoming unruly towards the police and burning down police posts.

Mr Kampyongo said the police with the help of the military had to step in and bring the situation under control.


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