Given Lubinda


….but it won’t happen!-Lubinda

LUSAKA- – – – MARCH, Monday 16th 2020


Justice Minister Given Lubinda has remained optimistic that the Constitution Amendment Bill 10 of 2020 will pass the second reading stage as it returns to Parliament.

The Minister says this is despite Hakainde’s decision to fight the progressive Bill without any precise cause.

The Minister said in its current form , he saw no reason why anyone will fight a”the Bill which protects young people and those living with disabilities among others.

Hon. Lubinda said despite Hakainde and other NGO’s decision to fight the progressive piece of legislation, he was confident about UPND MPs who strongly disagreed with his stubborn decision on the Bill.

He was speaking when he featured on MUVI Television’s Blunt talk Program , Monday Morning.

“UPND leader has been championing the calls of the collapse of Bill 10 , for three years , have you heard FDD opposing the process …? and today it has been laid bare their leader of the opposition said go and oppose it so what more evidence do you want ?

The Constitution of Zambia is more important than the Constitution of any political party. What am expecting is that Members of the Patriotic Front will debate Bill 10 with their conscious and not that they have been told to debate in any fashion that is what I expect.

Am one of the founders of the UPND , as a matter of fact am the last legitimately elected chairman for information and publicity in UPND , they haven’t had any electioin ever since …up to now if your go to the history.

What am trying to say to you is that I know many of the leaders of the UPND, I know the members of parliament in UPND I will be very shocked …extremely shocked if indeed with these progressive positions that were announced by the select committee of parliament they rubbish everything I will be extremely shocked.” Hon. Lubinda stated .

Meanwhile Hon. Lubinda has indicated that Zambians should understand that they have a democratic and consultative President who ensured that the entire process was inclusive.

“People should start saying they truly have a democratic and consultative President because much as Article 39 allows us to just move , present the Bill in the Gazette and go to Parliament and Amend the Constitution we chose to a different route we chose the route of consultation.” He added .

He further called on Parliamentarians to back the Bill saying if they didn’t do so , it was the Zambians who were doing to lose out as they did on the referendum.

“If Bill 10 doesn’t go through it will be sad for the people of Zambia, exactly what happened when the referendum failed.The ones who suffered were the Zambian People .

We lost the referendum, one of the provisions in that referendum was that no expectant of lactating mothers shall be put in incarceration. Today you find circumstantial children in correctional facilities, who caused that ? Those who campaigned against the referendum.” Hon. Lubinda stated .

The Minister further took time to clarify falsehoods peddled by Hichiliema that the Bill was aimed at extending President Lungu’s tenure of office .

“UPND and Some NGO, have been missing people, telling people that President Edgar Lungu Wants to extend his tenure of office from 5-7 years … where is it stated ? No were at all .” The Minister reiterated .



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