
Government has succumbed to international pressure, with most foreign countries raising concern as to why Zambia is trying to hide the cure for HIV in the Sondashi formula.

It has been reported that Dr. Ludwig Sondashi discovered the real cure for AIDS in the year 2000, but ever since, Government has been pushing aside the approval of this useful medicine because they still want to eat donor money through various HIV programs.

But hundreds of people including foreign nationals have been coming to Zambia to purchase the cure for AIDS which has worked out perfectly for them. Dr. Sondashi was asked to demonstrate how the SF2000 works during a meeting with government officials.

Once approved, hundreds of selfish Zambians who are living on donor aid and funding of HIV programs risk becoming destitutes as more donors will withdraw aid and later fund SF2000 that was discovered 18 years ago but was being hidden by Zambian governments.

-Zambia Reports


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