‘Edgar Lungu is our own son, it will be difficult for any Easterner to ascend to power again if he loses’

By Christopher Miti on April 23, 2020

EASTERN Province PF information and public secretary William Phiri says losing power will be regrettably the most painful thing for easterners as they would have failed their son, President Edgar Chagwa Lungu.

And Phiri says Eastern Province political gurus such as Colonel Panji Kaunda, George Kanyamula Zulu, Colonel Bizwayo Nkunika, Johabie Mtonga, Mike Tembo and Lucas Phiri, among others, should not mislead easterners.
In a statement issued on Tuesday, Phiri urged the political gurus to stop dividing the people but to unite behind President Lungu whom he said means well for the province.

“As long as these gurus are divided, the young upcoming politicians will continue to lose political direction. These old but brains of wisdom should come on board and help ECL to win the 2021 elections. Being silent or playing double standards will not help the region gain political recognition,” he stated.

“Losing power will be regrettably the most painful thing for easterners because we would have failed our own son. It will be us to blame.”
Phiri stated that what was happening in the province was a shame considering the fact that President Lungu hails from the region.

“What is obtaining on the ground now in Eastern Province is a shame, especially that President Edgar Lungu hails from the same region but most political gurus, if not all, have chosen to betray him with impunity.

Sad to point to the likes of Col Panji Kaunda, George Kanyamula Zulu, Col Bizwayo Nkunika, Johabie Mtonga, Mike Tembo, Lukas Phiri and the list is endless. These are the men who should be driving the agenda of Edgar Chagwa Lungu and the Patriotic Front in the province. We expect them to be engaging traditional leaders in the region to help the PF win power and subsequently help to unite the party,” he stated.

“I therefore urge all well-meaning political gurus to stop fighting the PF but join hands with Edgar Chagwa Lungu and make the campaigns easier for the party.”

Phiri stated that current political gurus should emulate the old political gurus who were loyal to Dr Kenneth Kaunda.

“History has proven beyond any reasonable doubt that all former political heavy weights in the Kaunda regime were loyal and focused, making UNIP the strongest political party in the history of this country.

We had the likes of Reuben Kamanga, Grey Zulu, Bizwayo Nkunika, Mkondo Lungu, Col Panji Kaunda, George Kanyamula Zulu, Lucas Phiri, just to itemise but a few. All these were loyal to KK and UNIP, hence making Eastern Province the hub of KK,” he stated.

“They believed in oneness of purpose and the young pioneers were motivated and had confidence in their political leaders because they gave them direction. It was a marvel to see the Eastern Province political gurus sticking together no matter where the political wind was blowing from.”

And Phiri urged traditional leaders in the province to emulate Paramount Chief Chitimukulu for urging his subjects to be serious when it comes to voting and ushering in a president of their choice.
He agreed with Chitimukulu that Bembas have the numbers.

“I should not be accused of tribalism here because Bembas and the Easterners have the capacity to cancel Southern and Western provinces votes respectively in terms of numbers and it is in this vein that our political gurus in the region should work hand-in-hand with the chiefs to ensure victory for their own son, Edgar Chagwa Lungu.

If we lose the Presidency now, then we should all forget about another Easterner ascending to power anytime soon. We will all suffer the consequences and repercussion because HH wants vengeance. Let’s unite easterners for once. Give us direction and stop fighting your own son. Edgar Chagwa Lungu means well for us all,” stated Phiri.

“Our political gurus should come out in the open and support Edgar Chagwa Lungu or we will not support their decision to impose any other candidate on us. Political differences are there in politics but what defines a true son of the soil is loyalty. Isaiah 1:18, the Bible says, ‘come let us reason together’. There is room for reconciliation and forgiveness in PF.”


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