The continued unlawful incarceration of opposition UPND deputy secretary General Mr Patrick Mucheleka and others is uncalled for and a violation of their fundamental rights. Again, this is another blatant institutional failure by ECZ in living up to its Statutory functions to provide solutions to our national issues during these induced elections.

We demand for their immediate and unconditional release from the dungeon of political persecution at the hands of PF and the ElectoralCommissionofZambia. If President Lungu had any trace of professional credibility and ethical discipline, he would have saved what little respect remains in him. Even an illiterate vagabond on the street can dismiss the allegation of armed robbery in a case of civil infraction.

There is no trace of criminality in case. The PF cadres who bludgeoned the UPND Campaign car in the presence of armed Police platoons could rightly have been charged with armed robbery in a functional democracy. Seeing them in handcuffs as though they were hard-core criminals left me heart broken.

All these are schemes aimed at instilling fear in the opposition leaders and citizens by the PF government. These are the same people who are claiming to have leveled the political playing field ahead of 2021 general elections.

We have seen PF cadres killing opposition members and because they are close to Mr Edgar Lungu no one has touched them. Again, we wish to categorically state that these violations of citizens rights, will be religiously documented for the prospective delivery of Justice to all perpetrators. Not long ago a PF cadre Jay Jay Banda stormed Lusaka central police station armory, assaulted uniformed officers on duty,and stole undisclosed sums of money but today, he is a celebrity with high level security clearance access to state house Mr Lungu is quietabout. In few weeks PF government will be conducting their annual prayers of mockery dubbed as natiinal day of prayer-fasting and reconciliation.

They strategically put these prayers towards the end of the year so that they hoodwink a few gullible citizens and make them forget about all their atrocities committed from January to December. A government that steal and kill citizens from January to December, and declares itself more Christian before jumping into another year, is what Lungu believes in.

Few months ago another PF cadre by the name of Innocent Kalimanshi told the country how his fellow PF cadre Francis Muchemwa who is always at state house shot dead a UPND cadre Lawrence Banda and to date Francis Muchemwa has not been arrested. Mr. Lungu remains stubbornly mute over the swirling blood of innocent Zambians. Lungu should be reminded that we are Zambians first and last. Political affiliations are very terminal.

Even in his questionanl ascending to that position, he swore to protect the Zambian citizens regardless of their Political accreditation. The blood of the innocent which is spilt for simply holding a divergent view will soon drown you. How do you expect normal people in their right minds to ululate your administration’s fiasco? How many people are you going to kill for your irreversible failure?

It is in black and white for the International communities to see who is funding the oppression and killing of opposition leaders and members in Zambia.

Release Patrick Mucheleka and others unconditionally. You are shrinking your post presidency spot for yourself. Very soon you will be a social miscreant and fugitive within the country that should have accorded you statesman status. What Mr. Lungu is doing will soon haunt him because injustice has got shot legs. He is using public institutions to supress divergent views in the country against the constitution of Zambia.

Release Mr. Mucheleka now! Think of the anguish you are inflicting on their children and dependents. Why should they be your scapegoat for your failed management and Economic desolation of the Zambian paradise? Whatever you are doing to the Zambian people today, the hourglass is soon tilting for you to feel the same. The great joy and delight you enjoy in abusing your power to afflict others will soon correspond to the humiliation and isolation that awaits you. Just open the first page of history and read the preface of arrogant despots like you, their epilogue is your epilogue.

For once, sober up and release the innocent men and save their families. The pain you are inflicting on their children, your own children will one day soon feel it.

Sikaile Sikaile
Good Governance and Human rights Activist


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